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Y/n had been training for days on end, determined to improve and gain as much control over his powers as he could - and, it was working. Y/n had improved greatly, and every training session took him deeper and deeper into his powers. But, all that training also came with a price. Y/n was constantly exhausted. Far too drained to explore the markets, or go visit the different villages. So most of Bucky and y/n's nights were spent together in the hotel room T'Challa had given them. Bucky had seen more old sitcom episodes in those few days than he'd ever seen in his life. But, he wouldn't have it any other way. Y/n enjoyed them, and hearing that tired laugh was enough for him. So that's where they'd be, for hours on end. Bucky sat up in bed, with y/n's head in his lap as he played with his hair. He usually fell asleep in the middle of the second episode, but Bucky didn't turn the TV off. There was a sort of charm to the sitcoms that he just enjoyed - even if he'd never admit that to y/n. Nothing ever went wrong there. It was all just happiness and smiles with a forced laugh track. A paradise that both Bucky and y/n seemed to look up to, but they both knew their lives would never be like that.

"Buck, where's my training suit?" Y/n's voice called out from the bathroom. Well, that was what he was trying to say, but his words were muffled due to the fact that he was in the middle of brushing his teeth. He could've sworn he'd left his training suit on the side of the sink so he could change once he'd showered, but it had been replaced by a normal pair of clothes. Bucky smiled, lucky that he was just about able to understand y/n. Having a 'toothbrush conversation' was something that they both did without really realising. "Oh no, has it gone missing?" Bucky asked with a mischievous smile. Y/n poked his head out of the bathroom with raised eyebrows as he heard Bucky. He could tell he was lying straight away. "What've you done with it?" He asked with a slight laugh, continuing to brush his teeth. Bucky gasped dramatically at the accusation. "How dare you blame me! I haven't done anything!" He exclaimed, leaning in front of the wardrobe where he'd hidden the training suit. "I guess if you can't find it you have to take the day off... Damn, what a shame." Bucky hummed with a mischievous grin. Y/n gasped, a grin on his face as he continued to brush his teeth. "You can't do that! I need to train!" He exclaimed, wanting to step toward Bucky but he also didn't want to spill toothpaste on the carpet. "What was that? I can't understand you when you brush your teeth." Bucky teased. "It sounded like you said 'Oh yes Bucky I'd love to spend my day off with you!'" He exclaimed, putting on a high pitched voice as if to mimic him. Y/n rolled his eyes with a laugh, turning to make his way back into the bathroom. "I hate you, Barnes!" He called out, sticking his middle finger up as he disappeared into the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth. Bucky just laughed, shaking his head fondly as he watched y/n disappear. "Love you too, y/n." He murmured under his breath once he was sure he couldn't hear.

"Are you even going to tell me where we are?" Y/n asked with a laugh. Bucky had blindfolded him as soon as they'd gotten on the quinjet, so he didn't even have the slightest hint of where they were or where they were going. All he knew was that they weren't on the quinjet anymore, and that they were somewhere warm. "You're so impatient." Bucky chuckled, holding on to both of y/n's hands as he guided him down a cobbled pathway. "Maybe because you've had me blindfolded since we left Wakanda! I don't think I'll ever see light again at this point." He said with a dramatic sigh, causing Bucky to laugh. "We're almost there Doll, I promise." He hummed.

Bucky had planned this all out with Steve during y/n's training sessions. He had taken y/n's map with him to Wakanda, trying to figure out the best place to take him. T'Challa knew about the plan too, so he wasn't upset to see y/n not turn up to training. God, he was so nervous. He just wanted everything to be perfect. This was their first official date. Bucky knew he didn't have to be nervous, they spent every hour together anyway, but this was different. This was planned.

Soon enough, Bucky stopped y/n in his tracks. Y/n was trying hard to hide his smile as he was stopped. He could smell the salty sea air already. "Ready?" Bucky asked, adrenaline rushing through him as he stood behind y/n. He just hoped he'd like it. He'd put in so much work. Y/n quickly nodded, reaching up so he could pull his blindfold off. Bucky quickly slapped y/n's hands away with a laugh. "Let me do it." He chuckled. Bucky then took a nervous breath and untied y/n's blindfold, putting the piece of fabric in his pocket with a hopeful smile.

It took a few moments for y/n's eyes to adjust to the light, but when they did, his jaw dropped. They were in Greece. The beautiful blue sky seeming to blend with the equally clear ocean. They were on a cliff with the ocean directly below, perfect for cliff jumping, just like he'd talked about on his map. But, what really topped it off was what was in front of them. Bucky had laid out a picnic for the pair, full of different fruits and snacks and drinks. There were pillows they could lay their heads on when they wanted to stargaze - just like he'd detailed on the map. Towels lay out beside the picnic so they could dry off after swimming in the ocean, and so much more. Everything had been thought of.

"Bucky..." Y/n whispered, almost speechless by all the effort he'd put in. "It's perfect." He smiled, turning to face him. His eyes pricked with tears from how sweet it all was, he'd never had someone put so much effort in for him before. Bucky smiled proudly, chuckling a little when he noticed the tears. "Are you crying?" He teased with a smile, cupping his face with his hands. Y/n quickly shook his head with a laugh, wiping his eyes with a slight sniffle. "No, no. The sun's just a bit bright." He grinned. Bucky rolled his eyes at the obvious lie, moving around him so he could sit down at the picnic. "Ohhh, okay. That's good." He teased, pouring out some champagne for himself and y/n to drink. "I wouldn't want you crying on such a nice day." Bucky hummed, holding out a glass for y/n to take.

Y/n stood and watched Bucky for a few moments, a fond smile on his face. God, he was smitten with this man. He'd put all this effort in, just for him. Every single detail was correct. Wow, he loved Bucky. He really loved him.

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