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Bucky burst into the training room, his eyes widened as he was immediately blocked by the Dora Milaje. "Let me through." He commanded, pushing past their vibranium spears. Steve was close behind Bucky, nodding toward the Dora Milaje with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, thank you." He rushed out, slipping past their weapons. "T'Challa! Make this stop!" Bucky called out from across the room, making sure not to stand in the way of any of the warriors fighting.

"I assure you, I am trying." T'Challa responded, waving his hand over y/n's face in attempt to get his attention. He was trying to stay calm, not wanting to add fuel to the already stressful situation. "Y/n. You can let go of control now. You can stop." He murmured, clicking his fingers in front of y/n's face.

Y/n was completely out of it. He was conscious, but barely. His head had completely rocked back as he sat limp on the chair, his nose bleeding heavily from all the power he was using to control so many minds. Y/n's eyes were almost a pure white, but the faded outline of his pupils could just about be seen. He was trying his hardest to stay present, but his body was slowly giving up on him, prioritising on the other minds rather than himself. Everything around him sounded so distant and far away, too far to make out what anyone was saying. His vision had completely blurred into a blob of mixing colours, too hard to make any sort of shape. Y/n was declining fast, but the warriors under control still seemed perfectly fine, fighting as if it was normal.

Bucky picked up the pace, jogging across the room toward y/n. His eyes widened at the sight of him, he looked much worse up close than from his view at the window. He cursed under his breath, setting a hand on y/n's shoulder as he begun to shake him. "Y/n. Y/n you can stop now." He called out, a sense of worry and urgency evident in his voice. Y/n didn't respond at all, he could hear someone's voice, but he had no clue whose it was, it sounded too muffled. Bucky took in a nervous breath, glancing back at Steve as he continued to shake y/n. "Can you make a loud noise? As loud as possible." Bucky asked in desperation, turning back as he continued to talk to y/n. He knew he wasn't going to lose him like this, but he could see how quickly he was declining.

Steve nodded quickly as he pulled his shield off of his back. "Anything I can hit?" He asked, glancing around the training room for anything he could strike without making too much damage. T'Challa shrugged, joining Steve in looking around the training room, making sure to give Bucky some space. There seemed to be a bell hung up high on the ceiling that Steve could hit, but, before T'Challa could say anything, he was interrupted by his sister. "I've got it! Cover your ears if you can!" Shuri called out over the intercom. In a matter of seconds the speakers let out a horrible, high pitched sound into the training room. Everyone in the room seemed to jump and grimace at the noise, but Steve and T'Challa had more important things on their mind than the noise. They glanced around at all the warriors, a sigh of relief escaping the pair as the warriors previously under control were all sat on the floor. Their eyes weren't a pure white anymore, and they seemed to finally have their own minds back. T'Challa nodded toward the Dora Milaje to have them support the warriors, unsure of the aftereffects of mind control.

But it had worked.

The high pitched noise caused y/n to snap out of it and let go almost out of shock. Bucky had y/n's face cupped in his hands, a nervous look on his face. He knew the warriors had been let go, but y/n seemed to be taking a while to come around. Y/n took in a laboured breath, blinking hard as he adapted to the pounding headache and dizziness. His vision was still blurry, but he knew Bucky was in front of him. He knew those hands from anywhere. "Hi..." He murmured with a weak smile, reaching up to hold onto Bucky's arm for support. Bucky couldn't help but chuckle slightly at y/n, rubbing his cheek with his thumb. "Hi, Doll. Hi." He grinned, just happy to see him awake. "Here, drink." Bucky hummed. He picked up y/n's water bottle from the ground, holding it up to his lips so he didn't have to do any work. Y/n frowned as the water bottle was held up to his lips, reaching out to hold it. "I can do it myself." He sighed, slurring his words slightly from the utter exhaustion. He felt horrible, but at least he had Bucky. Bucky rolled his eyes, gently slapping y/n's hands away when he tried to hold the bottle. "You just- I don't even know what just happened to you, but you're not in a good state. Let me take care of you, just for once." Bucky said with raised eyebrows, but he couldn't wipe the fond smile from his face. Y/n opened his mouth to argue, but before he could Bucky poured water in his mouth to shut him up. Y/n laughed with a cough, playfully pushing his shoulder. "You're mean." He giggled, his vision slowly becoming clearer as he focused on him. Bucky shrugged with a laugh. "Well, I know you wouldn't stop arguing. You're allowed to let people take care of you, y'know." He hummed, taking some tissues out of his pocket so he could wipe at y/n's bloody nose.

Steve and T'Challa watched the pair from a few feet away. "How do they do that?" T'Challa asked curiously, tilting his head to the side. "Do what?" Steve asked, looking over at T'Challa with furrowed brows. "Make each other laugh in stressful situations." T'Challa hummed, a fond smile on his face as he watched y/n laugh. Steve shrugged with a chuckle, turning to face the happy pair again. "God, I have no clue."

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