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After Tony, y/n apologised to Wanda and Bruce. Leaving just two more people to say sorry to. Wanda of course was still beating herself up over the fact that y/n had disappeared whilst he was 'under her responsibility', but y/n helped Wanda come around to realise that it wasn't her fault at all. Wanda and Bruce were the least upset out of the whole group, so apologising wasn't too bad. Of course it was still uncomfortable, but admitting your own mistakes will always be an uncomfortable thing.

Y/n sighed to himself as he strolled sheepishly into the training room. He already knew Steve was going to be the hardest to apologise to, especially after his big lecture when he first arrived back at the compound. Steve was practicing on a punching bag when y/n arrived, trying to get his anger out. It was weird to see Steve angry, usually he was the most level-headed guy whatever the circumstance. But if someone hurt his best friend, he wasn't just going to sit and smile. Steve had noticed y/n walk in, but didn't say a word, just hitting the punching bag even harder. Y/n moved to lean against one of the cement poles in the training room, his arms crossed over his chest. "I'm sorry, Steve." Y/n admitted with a guilty tone in his voice. Steve stopped his punching, grabbing the bag with one had to stop it from swinging as he glanced over at y/n. "For...?" Steve said expectantly. "From what you said earlier, it didn't sound like you wanted to apologise." He said sarcastically, wiping the sweat from his forehead. Y/n rolled his eyes at the sarcasm, he glanced up to snap back at him, but behind him stood Natasha. Natasha was stood in one of the many doorways that led to the training room, her eyebrows raised at y/n. She shook her head as if to tell him not to snap. Family apologises, no matter how annoying they can be. Y/n muttered under his breath, staring back down at his feet. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. All you were doing was trying to help me, and I was stupid to not tell anyone where I was going, especially Buck." Y/n admitted, glancing up at Steve to check his reaction. Steve smiled slightly with a shrug, setting his hand on the wall behind the punching bag. "You're right about that." He hummed, but he was happy to see y/n own up to his mistakes. "I just want to know why. If I know the reason why you're so scared to be an Avenger, we can work on it." Steve suggested. Y/n nodded slowly, unsure if Steve was still angry. He moved to sit down on one of the benches in the training room, resting his elbows on his knees as he kept his eyes on Steve. Natasha had sauntered off by now, reassured enough that y/n wasn't going to snap. "I'm scared because everyone is depending on me. One day I was an old folk story and now I'm known by everyone. It's overwhelming and it's scary. I just-" Y/n sighed, needing a moment to breathe so he didn't begin to spiral again. "I don't want to mess up." Y/n admitted, looking up at Steve with a sad smile. Steve nodded, his annoyed look seeming to soften as he strolled over to grab his water bottle. "Well, if you want, we can work on that. Work on your powers and fighting until you're confident enough that you won't mess up. How does that sound?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. Y/n quickly nodded at the offer, the idea of training sounded great. He wanted better control over everything, especially mind control. "That sounds great, thank you." He grinned, standing up from the bench as he begun to leave the training room. "See you later, oldie." Y/n teased with a mischievous smile. Steve's laugh could be heard from down the hall as y/n left. "You're older than me!" He called out after him.

Y/n rolled his eyes, a happy smile on his face as he strolled down the hallway. Natasha soon appeared from around one of the corners, wrapping an arm around y/n as they walked. "See, that wasn't so bad was it?" She grinned. Y/n shook his head with a hum, leaning slightly into Nat. "No, it really wasn't. But God, I really wanted to snap at him again." He laughed. Natasha nodded, squeezing y/n a little as they walked. "I know you did! That's why I was there." Nat exclaimed. "Now, who's next? There shouldn't be too many more." She asked, a curious look on her face. Y/n smile seemed to drop slightly at the question. He knew exactly who was last, and it had been the person he'd been dreading the most. "Just one more. It's Bucky." Y/n said nervously, beginning to hug himself again. Y/n had been dreading this one the most because he knew he'd hurt Bucky the most, and seeing him upset would just make him upset. Natasha had noticed y/n's change in mood, sighing slightly as she pulled y/n closer. "It's got to be done, y/n. You and I both know that. Plus, you two are like, a couple-" Natasha started, but was suddenly cut off by y/n. "We're not labelled yet." Y/n quickly cut in, causing Nat to roll her eyes with a smile. Of course they were unlabelled, of course. They're both too nervous to admit anything. "Well, he's going to be the easiest and hardest person to apologise to. Easiest because you're so close. But hardest because you know him so well, so you know what upsets him and how he's feeling and thinking. It will probably hurt, but you two will get through it, I know you will." She reassured, rubbing y/n's side slightly before she let go. "Now go. Go find him. Or do I have to stand in the doorway like I did with Steve?" Natasha teased, pushing y/n forward slightly. Y/n shook his head with a laugh, stumbling forward as he was pushed. "No, no. I've got this." He smiled, beginning to make his way down the hallway on his own.

But, y/n stopped halfway as the nerves and guilt washed over him. He turned around on his heels in attempt to just head back to his own room, but he froze in his tracks. Natasha was still stood there, arms crossed over her chest with an unsurprised smile. "Go!" She laughed. Y/n frowned, beginning to walk toward Nat. "But-" Y/n began, but Natasha was having none of it. She walked up to y/n and set her hands on his shoulders, swivelling him back around to face the correct way. "Go. Or otherwise I'm going to make Vision lock you out of your own room." Nat threatened with a smile, pushing y/n forward once again. Y/n couldn't help but smile slightly at the threat, beginning to walk alone once again. He checked behind himself one last time, earning a reassuring nod from Nat before he turned the corner, on his way to finally find Bucky.

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