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"Y/n!" Steve's voice called out again over the earpiece. But, there was no reply from y/n.

He could hear Steve loud and clear. He could hear the whole team yelling at him through the earpiece. But y/n decided to ignore them. He had one thing on his mind, and that was revenge. If Rumlow wanted to support the torture of Hydra soldiers, he could die at the hands of one.

This level of determination wasn't like y/n. Usually he wouldn't let his impulses get the best of him when it came to something as serious as this. He almost looked brainwashed. But, being reminded of his Hydra past had struck a serious nerve. The fact that this man was still walking free was messing with his head. Nobody in Hydra deserved to walk free, and it was obvious that Steve couldn't catch Rumlow, so y/n decided that it was his turn.

The only disadvantage that he had was the fact that he couldn't mimic any other powers except super soldier strength. Super soldier strength was the only thing keeping him upright and numb from the pain. If he let go of that, Rumlow could easily take him down. There was no way in hell that y/n was going to show any kind of weakness to him. He was strong, far stronger than him, and he'd tortured far too many helpless people for y/n to let him get any sort of advantage on him.

Rumlow sprinted as fast as he could, weaving between rubble and destroyed cars in attempt to lose y/n. However, the heavy armour that he had on was slowing him down. He cursed under his breath, quickly pulling a gun out of the holster on his thigh. He had to slow y/n down somehow, there was no way he could outrun him, especially not in this heat. Rumlow begun to shoot behind himself, shooting over and over and over. He didn't care if he killed him. He just needed y/n off of his tail. But, there didn't seem to be any reaction to the gunshots. No yelling, no cursing, nothing. He frowned under his mask, turning around to actually check if he'd hit y/n. There was nobody there. Nobody behind him at all. Rumlow's running came to a stop, trying his hardest to catch his breath as he glanced around in confusion. "What the..?" He murmured to himself. Y/n had just been chasing him, where had he gone? However, the sound of someone whistling quickly caused him to freeze.

It was the same whistle that he used to use on Hydra soldiers. The whistle that had been programmed in their brains, almost like dogs.

Rumlow didn't even have time to turn around before he felt a boot on his back. The kick sent him flying for several metres, the sheer force of it leaving him winded. He finally ended up smashing face-first into one of the destroyed cars, the body of the car seeming to cave in around him. He grunted in pain, slowly rolling onto his back so he could have a good look at who just did that. But he already had a pretty good idea of who it was. The armour surrounding him crumbled away as he rolled, the mask on his face barely staying intact. Rumlow blinked hard, trying to refocus his vision after being launched so hard into a car. The dust in the air created a thick fog, but Rumlow could just about make out a figure making their way toward him.

It was y/n.

Y/n was 'deathwalking' toward Rumlow, a gun in one hand whilst the other swayed by his side. He was taking his time making his way toward him. He wanted her face to be the last thing that Rumlow would ever see. The team were still screaming in her ear, but y/n continued to ignore them. This was his time. His time for revenge.

It didn't take long for y/n to approach Rumlow, pressing his boot against his chest so he couldn't get up. He didn't even say a word, a look of pure aggression and determination in his eyes. There was no smile, no hint of hesitation. He knew exactly what he was doing. Y/n ripped the mask off of Rumlow, tossing it to the ground beside him with ease. It was almost robotic. His breath was steady and his mind was clear - well, as clear as it could be after crashing a motorcycle. He had a firm grip on his gun as he lifted it up, calming pressing the gun in the centre of his forehead.

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