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Y/n opened his eyes to find that he'd teleported into one of the rooms, he quickly sat down beside the rest of the hostages, blending in as much as he could. He kept his knees against his chest and glanced around with wide eyes, pretending to be as fearful as the rest. But, y/n was just scanning the room for the amount of guards. He had to somehow wipe out this room and the hallway so Bucky and Steve could get in - all without making a noise. As he scanned around, y/n locked eyes with a few hostages opposite him. They were so, so confused, especially after seeing y/n appear out of nowhere. Y/n just nodded reassuringly to them, unable to smile due to the fabric tied around his mouth, but they knew what he meant.

Y/n took a shaky breath, trying to calm the nerves coursing through him. All these people depended on him. All these lives. He could mess this up with one wrong move or loud noise. They were depending on him...

Y/n was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts by the feeling of a gun pressed against his head. One of the guards was stood above him, an angry look on his face. "Can't you hear me? I said tuck your boots in! Do you want a bullet in your head?!" He boomed, his finger on the trigger and ready to press it. Y/n looked up at the guard with wide, fearful eyes, quickly shaking his head as he began to fake cry. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He cried, his voice muffled from the fabric. He'd forgotten how easy it was to fake cry. Behind his back, y/n begun to untie the fabric binding his hands together. "You apologise, but you still haven't moved! I can shoot you right now, do you want that?" The guard threatened, kicking at his boots. Y/n shook his head, pretending to struggle to tuck his boots out of the way. The guard was beginning to lose patience, lifting the gun up so he could hit him with it, but, as he swung down, the gun didn't make contact with y/n's head. He glanced down with confused eyes to realise that y/n had disappeared... That was when he felt hands on the back of his head. The guard's head rocked back as if he was about to pass out, and when he straightened up again his eyes were pure white - y/n was controlling his mind.

Y/n sat back down beside the hostages before the other guards could turn around, struggling to stop his vision from blurring. Mind control was powerful, but it took a lot of focus and energy, even for someone experienced. Y/n blinked a few times before his eyes went white, completely taking control of the guard. The guard made his way toward the others, pulling his helmet visor down so they couldn't see his eyes. "Boss just said to get rid of the guns. He doesn't want the police to hear any gunshots, it could make them raid the building, and we don't have the information we need yet." He murmured to the other guards, keeping his voice down so the hostages wouldn't hear. The other two guards looked at him with a confused look in their eyes. "We weren't told that..." The shorter guard said suspiciously, keeping a tight hold on her gun. The taller guard nodded, stepping forward slightly with a hold on his gun. "Yeah, I thought I was the one in charge of this room?" He asked with a frown. Y/n hesitated slightly - shit - this was going to be hard. The guard shrugged, motioning toward his radio. "Well, that's what I was told. I won't be the one getting in trouble with the boss when you alert the cops." He hummed, setting his gun down. The shorter guard squinted her eyes at him, quickly reaching up to pull up his visor, thinking it was someone undercover. Her eyes widened at the sight of his eyes being pure white, immediately pulling her gun on him. The guard grabbed the gun from her, kicking the taller guard toward y/n. The taller guard immediately reached toward his radio at the sight of y/n, his other hand pointing a gun at him.

Y/n grabbed the gun, crushing it in his hand. His eyes flickered from pure white to normal, needing to keep control of the other guard whilst also fighting. He jumped up, grabbing the radio with one hand and landing a swift kick to the guard's torso, pushing him back. Y/n clipped the radio to her belt, quickly ducking as the guard swung a punch at her. "You little shit!" He boomed, grabbing the piece of cloth around y/n's mouth and yanking it down to her neck. From there he pulled it as tight as possible, trying to choke her out. Y/n's eyes widened as his air flow was almost cut off, backing up as much as possible until they were both against the wall. He wheezed out for air as he struggled to keep control of the other guard and continue to fight, his hands gripped on to the piece of cloth around his neck, suddenly burning it away with his fire powers. Y/n hissed a little from the heat against his neck, knowing he'd burnt himself, but he had bigger problems.

But, y/n was back in focus mode, continuing to fight the taller guard, kicking and smashing him against the wall and other pieces of furniture as much as possible. The guard he was controlling was almost like a reflection to y/n, copying every move that he did until the two guards were unconscious on the ground. Y/n breathed heavily, struggling to stay conscious with the amount of power it took to control the guard. His nose was beginning to bleed from the strain, his surroundings completely blurry, but he had to keep pushing. "Sorry, man..." He murmured breathlessly, stumbling toward the mind-controlled guard. Y/n almost tripped over a few of the hostages, his eyes flickering back and forth toward white and normal, trying his hardest to stay awake. Y/n grabbed a vase from one of the tables, smashing it over the guard's head to knock him out, watching as he crumpled to the ground. Y/n almost fell over, too. He reached out and grabbed the wall for support, closing his eyes with a weak sigh as he was finally able to let go of his mind. "Are you... okay?" One of the hostages asked in concern, y/n looked as if he was ready to pass out at any second. Y/n nodded, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. "Yeah... Yeah. All good." He rambled, completely lying. Y/n pushed himself off of the wall, squinting in pain as the room spun around him. But, he kept going, handcuffing the guards to different tables so they wouldn't be able to go anywhere if they woke up.

Y/n blinked as much as he could, shaking his head and jumping up and down in attempt to get his adrenaline back. This was the first room, they still had other floors, he couldn't give up here. "Here, take this." One of the hostages offered, holding out a water bottle once her wrist restraints were loosened. Y/n nodded, grabbing the water bottle gratefully. "Thanks." He murmured, but, instead of drinking it, y/n poured it all over himself. Y/n gasped slightly from the cold rush of the water, shaking his body as she felt the adrenaline come rushing back. Y/n smiled, wiping his face as he made his way toward the door to the hallway. All he had to do was wipe out the guards in the hallway, then Steve and Bucky would be there to help. "Get ready. Heading out to the hallway now." Y/n announced through the earpiece. His vision was still slightly blurry, but he ignored it, there wasn't time for a break.

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