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Almost as soon as the spit landed on his cheek, Bucky's fist connected with Tony's face.

"You're an entitled, egotistical brat." He seethed through gritted teeth, pausing between every word to hit Tony again. Bucky watched with no remorse at the beaten-up face before him, his metal hand staying wrapped tightly around his neck. He was more than angry, it was a feeling he couldn't even describe. The desperation to see y/n, the frustration of Tony's attitude, the heartbreak of seeing him so broken, and so much more. It had all mixed into one blind rage. "You're lucky that I need you to get to y/n." Bucky snapped, his face inches away from Tony. As much as he wanted to knock the guy out and never stop punching, Tony knew how to get to y/n's cell.

With every punch, the back of Tony's head smacked against the wall behind him. He took slow breaths, trying to stop his eyes from rolling to the back of his head as he was struck over and over again. He'd never admit it, but Bucky had a pretty good punch. Blood dripped out of his nose and mouth at a steady pace, one eye slowly beginning to close up. Yet that smug smile reappeared as soon as Bucky was done punching. He could see the desperation in Bucky's eyes, and he was using that to his advantage. "I'm not telling you shit, Barnes." Tony snapped, taking slow breaths despite the metal hand still being wrapped around his throat. "Go ahead, keep punching and see what happens next. I can get you locked up in seconds, Buck." He threatened with a smirk. Tony reached his hand up, tapping his own cheek in a teasing manner. "Go ahead, hit right here!"

Bucky released his grip around Tony's throat as he shoved himself away from him. The temptation to punch him again was strong, but he couldn't. There was no way he could help y/n if he was also in a prison cell. He almost immediately set his sights on the desks, rummaging desperately through the various pieces of paper. Frustrated tears begun to blur his vision, but Bucky refused to let them pour. He had to get to y/n. He'd do anything, even if it meant rummaging through hundreds of pieces of paper. "You're a piece of shit, Stark." He snapped in a serious tone. He could tell that Tony was watching him. God, how he so wanted to punch that smile right off of his face. But he couldn't. Not yet, at least. He had to get to y/n first.

Tony took in a deep breath when Bucky finally released him. He casually leant up against the wall, rubbing his neck slightly as Bucky begun to rummage through the desks. There was nothing to find but governmental documents and medical documents for y/n. But he wasn't going to tell Bucky that. It was quite amusing to watch him desperately search. "I've heard worse." He hummed to the insult, crossing his arms over his chest. There was no way y/n was being released, and no way that Bucky was getting to him.

Bucky continued to search. He was determined to find something, anything, that would lead to y/n. For every second that passed, his desperation and frustration begun to build. He checked every drawer, every piece of paper, every whiteboard. He tried to log into the computers, turned every chair upside-down, emptied the trash can, everything. All Bucky wanted was something. But there wasn't anything. There was nothing to show him how to get to y/n. The window that looked into the cell felt like a sick trick. He was right there. Right there. Yet he couldn't get to him.

Bucky stood in the centre of the trashed room, clenching and unclenching his fists in attempt to calm himself down, but it wasn't working. All he wanted was y/n. Every breath was shakier than the first as he begun to come to terms with it all. He wasn't going to be able to hold him, he wasn't going to be able to see that mischievous smile again, and wasn't going to be able to hear his laugh. A single tear begun to roll down his cheek, followed by another, and another, and another. He couldn't help it. Usually Bucky never let anyone but y/n see him cry, but he couldn't hold it back any longer. He was so frustrated, so angry, so upset. He'd almost forgotten that Tony was in the room. Almost.

"You know, you two could've had a proper goodbye if you didn't disappear for two days. You could've had a lovely little kiss and a hug. But no, y/n was late to a mission, and you were asleep on the couch for hours. What a great, responsible couple." Tony cooed cheaply, still leant up against the wall. He had watched Bucky destroy the whole room without saying a word. He didn't need to. Bucky was already destroying himself. But he couldn't help but get one final tease in.

"Shut up!" Bucky yelled, throwing the nearest chair in Tony's direction. He'd had enough of the cheap comments, he'd had enough of that damn smirk, and he'd had enough of his stupid cologne. He stormed toward the man, kicking him hard in the stomach, causing Tony to double over. "You know nothing!" Bucky continued to yell, kneeing Tony hard in the head, sending him to the ground. "You know nothing about our relationship-" Bucky knelt down, punching Tony hard in the head with his metal hand. "Nothing about me-" He continued to punch, not caring to check if Tony was conscious anymore. "And nothing about y/n!" He shouted, watching as blood spattered out across the floor. He lifted his fist up once again, preparing to take what he hoped to be the final blow.

But, before he could, the door to the room slammed open.

"Bucky stop!" Steve yelled, rushing toward his best friend.

He'd heard the yelling from down the hallway. Everyone had. Several staff members had rushed into the room too, and so had Sam and Natasha. The staff members had their guns pointed at Bucky, ready to shoot him and then lock him up, but Steve, Sam, and Nat managed to get to him first.

Steve grabbed onto Bucky's metal arm, yanking him back in attempt to get him away from Tony. Sam grabbed the other arm, helping Steve in moving Bucky away. Natasha grabbed the back of Bucky's shirt to aid in yanking him back, but quickly let go at the sight of y/n in the cell. Her breath hitched, anger and sadness beginning to build. This wasn't fair. This wasn't fair at all. She gave a quick stamp to Tony's head before she held the door open for Steve and Sam. She didn't care if the agents saw it. Tony deserved it.

"Get off of me!" Bucky screamed, struggling against Sam and Steve's grips. He didn't care if there were agents aiming at him, he could take them down too. They'd taken y/n away from him. Steve and Sam were talking to him, but he couldn't hear it, he couldn't hear any of it. "He's right there! Right there! Just let me see him!" He cried out, tears beginning to fall as they tried to drag him out of the room. Bucky tried to dig his heels into the ground, but there was nothing to grip on to. "Let me see him!!" He repeated in a yell, thrashing against their grips.

His eyes never moved from the sight of y/n in his cell. He was right there. He must've been able to hear him. Yet there was no reaction. He was drugged to the point that he was basically a ragdoll. More and more tears begun to fall, and Bucky was unable to tell if they were tears of frustration or tears of sadness. Y/n would've been able to know. "We can't leave him here! I can't leave him! Let go of me!" Bucky screamed in desperation as he was dragged out of the room, beginning to lose sight of y/n.

Steve and Sam shared a sad look as they continued to drag Bucky down the hallway. They didn't want to, but they had to. There was no way Bucky could help y/n if he was locked up in a prison cell. Especially in the Raft. There was nothing that either of them could say that would comfort Bucky, so they just had to listen to his heartbreaking yells as they dragged him further and further away from his lover. As much as it sounded like a bad thing to do, it was the only good option they had. It was either that or let Bucky get arrested, and Steve wasn't going to allow that.

"Let me see him!" Bucky begged, continuing to thrash. The room was far out of his sight now, but he didn't give up. Tears continued to pour and pour, his yelling beginning to get quieter as he came to the realisation that there was no way of getting to y/n. Bucky was broken, completely broken.

"Please. I just want to see him." He whispered in a shaky tone.

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