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Y/n tensed up at the sound of the unfamiliar voice calling him 'bubba'. That was what the man in the suit used to call him. His smile dropped into a frown, sitting up a little straighter. He rested his hands behind him as he tried to figure out a way to get out of the situation. Yes, he could teleport, but then this person would be free to roam the compound, and y/n didn't want anyone to get hurt. Y/n took slow, deep breaths to try and keep calm, but the uneasiness in the pit of his stomach was already beginning to build. He hadn't been called 'bubba' in a long time, and it didn't come with the fondest of memories. Y/n slowly stood up, orbs of energy forming in each of his palms. He turned to face the unfamiliar voice, an angry, defensive look on his face to hide the dread. "Who are you?" He asked in a serious tone, prepared to blast the man in a split second.

The stranger just seemed to smile fondly at y/n, clasping his gloved hands together in a calm manner. "A friend of a friend, let's say." He hummed. He was so calm, it was uncomfortable. He didn't even seem scared of the orbs in y/n's palms. Why? "I have a proposition for you. But we can't talk about it here. So, why don't you teleport us out of the compound, hm? My car isn't too far." He offered, not seeming intimidated at all by y/n.

Y/n scoffed at the offer, a frustrated smile on his face as he watched the stranger. He didn't even know the man, and he wanted him to teleport them away? Yeah, no. Y/n took a few steps toward the man, squaring up to him with a dangerous smile. "And why would I listen to you?" He asked, inches away from him. "I could kill you, right here, right now. Why don't I just do that, hm?" Y/n asked in a venomous tone, circling around the stranger in a casual way. "What power should I use to kill you, hm? Any preference?" Y/n teased, holding his palm out as he flicked between powers. "Go on, give me the reason why I should listen to you." Y/n cooed, booping the stranger's nose to irritate him.

The stranger cleared his throat, allowing y/n to play his little games. He kept a fond smile on his face, rubbing his hands together as if to show that he was cold, despite having a coat and gloves on. Y/n was right, he could kill him. He could kill him in the blink of an eye. But he wasn't going to. "Because," The man begun, slowly reaching into the inside of his coat. A typical person would believe that he'd pull out a gun, but what he actually pulled out seemed to be more heart-stopping than actually getting shot. "I have this." He hummed calmly, holding it in both hands so y/n couldn't snatch it.

Y/n's face fell at the sight of what he pulled out of his coat. It was his bear. His 'teddy'. The one that he was forced to leave behind after the explosion. All of his confidence seemed to crumble in seconds, taking a few steps back from the stranger. His eyes were wide in a mixture of shock and fear, almost forgetting to breathe. "How..." Y/n whispered breathlessly, his guard was completely down, completely focused on the bear in his hands. His bear. "How did you get that?" He asked, the orbs in his palms disappearing completely. He was almost in a state of shock. After he didn't see the bear at the remembrance site, he suspected it had just been destroyed. To others, it was just a toy. But it wasn't just a toy to y/n. It was the last gift he'd gotten from his parents. The last piece of his real childhood.

The stranger kept the same calm smile on his face. He knew he had power over y/n now. He was vulnerable. Exactly how he planned. "You can have it if you teleport us out of here, you know. I'm only here to propose something to you, you don't even need to agree. If you don't agree, you get to go back to the compound with your bear. Easy peasy." He hummed, keeping the bear held between both hands.

Y/n listened to the man carefully, swallowing hard as his eyes stayed fixed on the bear. The offer seemed okay, right? It wasn't like he used any brute force. From what y/n could see, he didn't even have a weapon on him. A distinguished man, one of class. Y/n's mind was completely clouded over. His sole focus was the bear. He just wanted to hold it again, to see if it still smelt like home. "Okay." He whispered, trying to stop the obvious shake in his voice. All he wanted was his bear back.

"Good. I'm not here to hurt you. It's just a proposition for you." The stranger cooed, watching as y/n took a few steps toward him. Y/n slowly reached out, setting a hand on the man's arm. It was all going to be fine. He was going to get his bear back. "This might feel a little funny." He murmured. Y/n took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he focused on teleporting himself and the stranger away from the compound.

When y/n opened his eyes again, the pair were in front of a van. Y/n looked over to the man expectantly, causing the stranger to chuckle as he handed the bear over. "Here. Hop in when you're ready." The stranger hummed, patting y/n's shoulder in a comforting way before he begun to walk toward the van. Y/n snatched the bear, his eyes filling with tears of relief as he hugged it close. His back was to the van as he hugged the bear. His bear. It still smelt like home. A small smile appeared on y/n's face, feeling like a child again as he hugged the bear. "I told you I'd come back for you." He whispered, not caring that he was talking to a toy, this bear meant so much to him.

Y/n was completely focused on the bear, not even aware of his surroundings. He didn't notice when the back of the van opened, or when the stranger pulled a few items out, and he didn't notice when the man begun to walk up behind him. He was happy, the fleeting moment of serotonin and relief was something he clung to. Completely in his own little world.

Y/n's eyes widened when something was suddenly wrapped around his neck, quickly reaching up to yank it off, but he couldn't. In a matter of seconds a gas mask was forced over his head. However, instead of it preventing gas from coming in, it prevented oxygen, a thick gas suddenly being pumped into the mask. Y/n dropped his bear, his eyes wide as he tried to gasp in air. He reached out, trying to use his powers to escape and blast the mask off of him, but it wasn't working. Why wasn't it working? Y/n kept trying and trying, squirming around in attempt to escape.

"Don't waste your energy, bubba. Your powers don't work with that collar on."

Y/n turned to face the stranger with wide eyes. He still seemed calm, as if y/n wasn't freaking out. The gas continued to pump into the mask, coating y/n's lungs and burning his nose. Every time y/n tried to gasp in air, he just took in more of the gas. Tears filled his eyes, still trying his hardest to yank the gas mask off. But it was on tight.

It didn't take long for the gas to take effect. Y/n's vision begun to blur, seeing double of everything. His breathing begun to slow down as y/n begun to lose balance. He tried his hardest to stay on his feet, stumbling around as he still tried to take the mask off. The nausea kicked in, barely able to stand as he reached out for support. But when he did, the stranger just stepped out of the way. He struggled to stay awake, more and more of the gas pumping into his lungs. He couldn't even hear what the stranger was saying anymore. Y/n's body gave up, sending him into a pit of darkness as he fell unconscious. His body hit the concrete hard, if it wasn't for the mask covering the whole of his head he definitely would've cracked his skull open.

The stranger casually stepped around the limp body, tying his hands and feet up. He hummed a quiet song, pulling the mask off of y/n's head before he tossed him into the back of the van as if he was nothing. The van doors slammed shut, and it didn't take long before the stranger begun to drive away, leaving the bear on the roadside. He didn't need it anymore.

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