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It was an insane plan.

Y/n and Bucky were safe in Wakanda. There was no risk of getting arrested, and they were treated as if they were actually Wakandans. But, they wanted their freedom. Travelling the world had always been one of y/n's desires, and now they finally had the time to do it.

It was so, so exciting. But incredibly risky. They were still war criminals. Any sighting of y/n and Bucky, whether it be camera footage or eye witnesses, had a possibility of being reported. There was no other choice but to keep a low-to-nonexistent profile. They were ex-assassins. It was going to be a piece of cake. Yes, they had the problem of being far more well known in the world now, but they already had somebody to figure that out.


In a matter of hours of mentioning it to her, Shuri had created everything that y/n and Bucky might need whilst on their travels. Hundreds of fake IDs and passports, hidden weapons that are impossible to detect, emergency buttons in every outfit, and so much more. At first glance, their suitcases seemed normal, but there was a secret number pad hidden inside that completely changed the interior and the clothes inside. Allowing y/n and Bucky to be able to carry a suitcase each with all of the clothing they needed for every different identity. However, the most amazing piece of tech that Shuri had created were the cosmetic enhancers.

The cosmetic enhancers were tiny, but probably the most high-tech things compared to everything else. They were little earrings that y/n and Bucky would put on, and upon appliance, it would change their appearance. Sadly not everything could be changed, but wrinkles could be applied, hair colour could be changed if necessary, and general face complexion and distinctive features could be altered. If she'd had more time, Shuri would've been able to add even more features, but y/n and Bucky wanted to go on their travels as soon as possible. There was no need for things like voice changers or anything to change their bodies completely, the pair knew enough accents and enough walking types to be able to do it on their own. Plus, if worse came to worse, y/n could always just mimic Loki's powers and shapeshift.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You're welcome in Wakanda for as long as you need, you know." T'Challa asked hesitantly, stood beside y/n as he watched Shuri explain everything to Bucky. Y/n had already been given an explanation, but Bucky had been busy fixing up a few last minute tasks with the village people.

Y/n nodded with a warm smile, busy flicking through the fake IDs and passports so he could match them up. "I know. And Bucky and I are so grateful for everything that you've done for us, but this is probably our only chance to visit all the places on my map. Plus, if we're undercover then there'll be no paparazzi following us everywhere we go." He hummed confidently, glancing over at T'Challa for a split second before he focused back on all of the documents in his hands.

T'Challa sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. He wasn't surprised that the pair were doing this, he knew y/n far too well. Once he had a plan in his mind, he was going through with it. "It is so risky, y/n. Any tiny slip ups and you'll get caught. You won't have us to defend you when you're out there. I know you have the emergency buttons, but it'll take time for us to arrive. I know you two can fend for yourselves pretty well, but Bucky without his metal arm is a risky move." He murmured. All he wanted was for Bucky and y/n to be safe, especially after everything that had recently happened. But he knew that keeping them contained in Wakanda wasn't right. If they wanted to leave, they could.

"I know, I know. But it's not like we're planning on fighting. We're going to little date spots and scenic areas, not boxing arenas." Y/n hummed, giving T'Challa a teasing smile. He always thought of him as an older brother. He'd done so much for him, he was forever grateful for him. "Plus, no metal arm makes it easier for us to go undercover. Shuri has some normal prosthetics in the suitcase just in case, but I doubt we'd use them for anything but staying in character." He shrugged. Y/n had laid out all of the fake IDs and passports on the table in front of him, a fond smile appearing on his face as he finally found the first characters that they were going to be playing.

Bucky strolled his way toward y/n, wrapping an arm around him from behind as he pressed a kiss to his neck. "You ready?" He hummed, resting his chin on y/n's shoulder so he could see what he was looking at. He chuckled at the sight of the IDs and passports that he had picked for their first trip. "Did you really get Shuri to make ones for Fred and Jack?" Bucky asked with a laugh, reaching around y/n so he could pick them up and take a closer look. He wasn't surprised that he had, but it was still funny. Fred and Jack used to be some silly characters that they'd made up one day, and now they played an even greater part in his and y/n's life.

Y/n nodded confidently. A happy smile appeared on his face as he turned around to face Bucky, watching as he studied the IDs and passports. "We're a retired couple from Westview, New Jersey. We met whilst you were on a cruise, and I was one of the performers. We have two children, and we're using our retirement money to travel the world." Y/n grinned proudly, a loving look in his eyes as he watched the smile that begun to appear on Bucky's face.

The pair were never sure how they came up with such elaborate scenarios, but this one was perfect.

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