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"Is that all you need?" Loki asked curiously, still annoyed that y/n was able to trick him so well.

They were all making their way out of the lab so they could spend one last day in Wakanda, which Thor seemed very excited for. He loved letting the children try and lift his hammer. Loki and y/n were walking a few feet ahead of the rest, not for any bad reason, just that both were happy to introduce themselves to one another. But Bucky wasn't impressed. He walked beside his best friend with a huff, watching as y/n happily chatted away. Steve chuckled at Bucky's obvious annoyance, fiddling with the empty coffee cup in his hands. "What's up with you?" He asked in a slight teasing tone, earning an annoyed look from Bucky. "I don't like it." Bucky murmured, keeping his eyes trained on y/n and Loki. "Don't like what?" Steve asked with a laugh. "Is someone... jealous?" He teased, nudging Bucky's side with his elbow as if they were schoolchildren again. "No! No." Bucky quickly denied, clearing his throat a little. Well, maybe he was jealous. Just a little. But, he wasn't going to admit that. Not to anyone, and especially not Steve. He was just lucky Sam wasn't around. "Then what is it?" Steve asked, seeming proud of himself after seeing Bucky act so defensive over his feelings with y/n. Bucky shrugged with an exasperated sigh. "I just- I don't know." He huffed. "Loki's the God of Mischief. I've heard of some of the things he's done. I don't trust him." Bucky sighed, speaking a little quieter to ensure neither Loki or y/n could hear. "Don't trust him with what? Being y/n's friend?" Steve asked with raised eyebrows. Bucky rolled his eyes, but Steve was right, and he hated that Steve was right. He knew y/n was allowed to have other friends, he knew that. But he couldn't help but feel protective over him. "I don't want y/n to get hurt. That's all. He's been through so much, he deserves to just relax." Bucky sighed, running a hand through his hair. Steve nodded as he listened to his best friend, he understood where Bucky was coming from. "I think he can handle himself, Buck. He managed to trick the God of Mischief back there, I think he'll be okay." Steve said with a slight chuckle. He was still surprised over y/n's little trick. "I know, I know." Bucky sighed, a slight smile appearing on his face.

"Is what all I need?" Y/n asked curiously as he walked beside Loki. Still proud of himself for being able to pull off that trick. "Well, we walked past one another once in the hallway. And the next thing I know you're mimicking my powers, and it works." Loki sighed, annoyed with himself. Y/n nodded with a smug grin. "All I need is contact with a person with powers, then after that first contact I am able to use those powers whenever I please." Y/n explained proudly. "That's why I 'accidentally' hit you with my shoulder when I walked past." He hummed. Loki raised his eyebrows, impressed with how smart y/n was. "Well, how did you know I had powers?" He asked defensively, crossing his arms over his chest. Y/n just laughed, turning to face Loki as they walked. "How did I know you had powers?" He teased, gesturing toward Loki's asgardian outfit. "Maybe because of that fun little get-up you've got going on. Is that all the clothes you've got up in Asgard? Thor wears the same flashy outfit every time I see him." Y/n teased, a mischievous smile appearing on his face. Loki gasped at the teasing, setting a hand on his chest in a dramatic way. "How dare you! This is royal Asgardian clothing, I'll have you know." He huffed, just causing y/n to laugh even more. Were all Asgardians as dramatic as Loki and Thor?

"Sorry to interrupt, but we've just been called out on a mission. So we're going to have to cut this last day short." Steve suddenly announced from behind them. Y/n frowned in disappointment as he stopped walking and turned to face Steve. "Really?" He asked with a sigh. Y/n was looking forward to having a day off, he wanted time to relax. "When?" Y/n asked, nodding a goodbye to Loki and Thor as they carried on down the hallway. "Now." Steve said with an apologetic smile, glancing down at his phone to make sure he had all the details right. "Come on, we need to get to the quinjet." He announced, seeming to go straight into focus-mode. Just like Steve did for every mission. Y/n groaned in annoyance, leaning into Bucky as they begun to make their way out of the building and over to where the quinjet was. Bucky chuckled at y/n's dramatic groan, wrapping an arm around him as they walked. "Come on, it'll be fun. We can hang out in Wakanda another day." He hummed, pressing a kiss to the side of his head. Y/n sighed, holding onto Bucky's arm as they walked. "I just want a nice day off, like the one we had in Greece." Y/n murmured.

Soon enough, they were on the quinjet and flying to their mission. They'd picked Natasha, Sam, and Wanda up on the way there, and everyone was in their mission suits and ready to go. Y/n sighed impatiently, twiddling his thumbs for some source of entertainment. He knew he was going to enjoy the mission once they got there, he always loved fighting, but the fear of messing up was always there. "Where are we going anyway?" Y/n called out curiously, only just realising that Steve had only told them that it was a mission. "Sweden. There's a bank heist in progress, and they've decided to use some weapons that seem to be some of Tony's stolen blueprints." Steve explained from the front of the quinjet, busy flying the whole thing. Y/n's face seemed to light up at the mention of Sweden, the rest of the team looking over at him with a smile. They knew exactly what he'd just realised. "Your home." Natasha smiled, happy to see y/n so excited. "Hey, can we make a pitstop on the way back?" Y/n called out, a bright smile evident on his face. "Of course we can." Steve replied. "Just as long as it doesn't distract you from the mission at hand."

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