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I want to dedicate this chapter to:


Pagpasok namin sa loob ay dumiretso kami sa isang restaurant, Tig isa kami ng taling hawak ni Khaleesi, Si Aegan ang nasa kamay n'ya sa'kin naman si Maachah, everyone is clearly enjoying their time inside, window shopping, date and family hangout.

We walked at the restaurant we always dine, The manager even greeted us as soon as he saw us walking inside, he assisted us to the near vacant table, with two red rectangular chair, Khaleesi and I seated, she seated along with Aegan while Maachah seated beside me.

The waiter immediately walked in our direction, holding a menu card in his hand, Khaleesi and I picked our order, we also choose something for Maachah and Aegan to eat.

"What are your plans for tomorrow, Tal?" Khaleesi sudden asked making me glance at her.

I wetted my lower lip. "I will assist the Juniors in our field, and under my assistance."

"Yong juniors this year? Or last year pa?"

"This year, The juniors last year is under Kaito's direction now, Senior Akeldama ordered."

"That was fast, hindi ba Ikaw ang nag handle sa kanila for the whole year, bakit ipinasa kay Kaito? Nag reklamo ka?" Khaleesi said not liking what I said.

I shrugged. "Let it be and it's not like my efforts will be wasted, Kaito is good and very serious when it comes to handling Juniors so I am ease." I said with a small smile in my lips.

Khaleesi rolled her eyes. "Kahit na, What did Kaito do? Did he accept the sudden order from Senior Akeldama?"

I stayed still I remember when Kaito called me telling me that he's outside my apartment, I don't know what he wants or something happened that time for him to arrived at my apartment suddenly, it turns out that he didn't like what Senior Akeldama did.

Senior Akeldama likes Kaito, aside from him, She don't like anyone, let's just say Senior Akeldama is quite bias when it comes to handling their membes, but I don't mind, let bygones be bygones.

"He didn't accepted it, he even asked me to insist, complain to our head Seniors, I said it's okay, I don't mind just treat my juniors fairly." I said with a shrugged.

Khaleesi let out a frown that turns into a sighed, massaging the bridge of her nose.

"My god, Tal, hindi ba uso sa'yo ang pag rereklamo? Aware ka ba na pwedeng humindi at mag reject? masyado kang mabait." May bahid ng inis ang kanyang boses.

Khaleesi has been with me for almost sixteen years and she's the only best friend of mine, she treats me as her sister as I treat her too, the others will remain my acquaintances or friend.

Khaleesi has been with me from my ups and down, she's with me, she knows everything that I did from the past, and she always don't like when I accept everything without any complaints, or even reactions, I've gotten use of it.

Learn to take anything, wether it's good or not, take it without any complaints, have a mindset that not everything will go with the pace you wanted to.

Process comes with pressure, that's why you need to endure everything so you can be molded into something; unique, different and beautiful.

Do not frown in any hardments of your life instead smile for a new hope of tomorrow is about to happen.

"Hayaan mo na, I don't take things to the heart, and Kaito is a nice and good leader, let it slide, Khal." I said, shrugging.

"Ewan ko sa'yo, Pag nakita ko talaga 'yang Akeldama na 'yan, sasampalin ko 'yan."

NOBLE SERIES#3: RULING THAT VISCOUNTWhere stories live. Discover now