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Tahimik nga talaga sa likod, madilim at halos ilaw lamang na nagmumula sa loob ang nakikita dito, para s'yang sagradong lugar kung titignan, tumigil ako at tumigil din si Atreus na nasa likuran ko lamang.

Payapa ang gabi, pero rinig pa rin ang ingay sa loob, ang tawanan at ang palitan ng mga mabubulaklak na salita na hindi naman totoo, dala ang wine glass ay umupo ako sa may bench na nakita ko, kahit sa dilim ay kita ko ang mukha ni Atreus sa ibabaw ng maliwanag na buwan.

Ang makapal n'yang kilay na parang palagi kang sinusuri kung totoong kumain ka na ang pilik mata n'ya na mas maganda pa sa babae, ang malamlam n'yang mga mata na kahit sa dami ng tao ay matatanaw ko, ang berde na kasing kulay ng malalim na sapa sa gitna ng kakahuyan na kahit mangangaso ay mapapatigil para lamang ito'y pagmasdan.

"What? Did you fall in love with me again?" Atreus smugly voice said as he smirked.

I chuckled. "You never change, mas malakas pa sa hangin ang dila mo."

Umirap s'ya. "Hindi mo ba alam, nagiging makata ang isang tao kapag in love, noh." Maarte n'yang saad.

"I see..." Was all I replied while staring at the sky, I was talking with myself.

I never knew I could even think of such flowery words, I must be insane, why did I ever think of that? Ah, so this is what they mean when they say only time will tell.

Predicting your future actions is like manifesting the opposite of it, leading to such surprises and disappointment for the outcome you'd never expected.

"Are you okay? Gusto mo bang umuwi na tayo?" Atreus voice was gentle, gone the mas maldita pa sa babae one.

I shake my head. "No, I'm fine, I was just thinking of something else." I paused. "My mind is cloudy."

"Your mind always wander, were you always like that?"

I looked up to him. "You should answer your question."

"Taleigha, I hope you bear this inside your mind, No matter how cloudy your mind is you can always share your worries and burden to me, I will always listen, I will try my best to become helpful to you." He kneeled down in my front.

Burying his face in my legs. "So, please try to ease all the worries inside your heart, let me help, at least this time don't push me away."

I lifted my hand, I hesitated before I caressed his hair. "I never pushed you."

"You were never aware that selfish action in name of protection is also just the same of pushing this person leaving it clueless." He said with a sigh.

I smiled a little. "Feels like I'm talking to more matured Atreus' huh." I teased.

"Nakakaintindi naman ako, nag aantay lang ako na mag salita ka, hangang ngayon nag aantay pa rin, at patuloy na mag aantay." He said with a lingering worry in his voice.

"Pwede kang magtanong–"

"Pero pinili kong hindi."

I stopped and lifted his head. "That happen to cross in my mind once, I wonder why? Aren't you curios?" Hindi ba patay na patay ka na rin na malaman.

"Ayaw ko mag tanong, I want to wait, forcing a wounded heart to recover is like putting it again in fire." He paused.

I stared at him.

He smiled as he stood up. "We should always wait for each other," He lifted both of our hands."You can keep everything in your heart. I will always wait, I will never go away, Taleigha Svetha. I will wait until you can finally set it free, I will wait until your heart is no longer wounded, so take it slow, you're still in the process of healing, it's painful, forcing it will never be helpful."

NOBLE SERIES#3: RULING THAT VISCOUNTWhere stories live. Discover now