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One time after, I Asked Taleigha to go to a billiard play with me, she said yes, not that she literally wants it but she have no choice but to agree, the play was intense as it started all eyes were on us, no—on Taleigha as she gracefully do her moves.

After settling ourselves, Taleigha held the cue stick firmly while waiting for her turn, they're quite expert, These men wants to win only to boast their ego more, Men likes defeating people especially women.

I watched as Taleigha stared at the balls, calculating her next moves, as I watched I get more excited, Taleigha cannot be read easily.

4,3,2 the last three balls was wiped ou 3,4,6,9,1,15. The least shouldn't be taken, I glance over at Taleigha's opponent, I want to know what tricks he can use this time, knowing damn too well Taleigha wouldn't accept any defeat is hot.

"It's your turn now, M'lady." The man with red hair said.

"I know." She replied not giving her a glance, as if he's not worthy of it.

Standing firmly, I stood behind her giving her enough space for her shot, I was watching as she hold the cue stick putting the tip on the middle, bending, she close her eyes slightly, six balls scattered, left right, left right bottom, three diamonds, It took three seconds for Taleigha to finally understand what she should do.

"There." She muttered before striking out, even her breath sounds rich.

Unang natamaan ang bolang nasa gitna na malapit sa amin gumulong ito sa ikalawang magkatabi na bola na gumulong sa magkabilang butas kasama ang isang bola natamaan ng cue ball niya, she didn't flinch or move, tumama sa gilid ng table kaya gumulong ito papunta sa ibaba naisama ang dalawang nagkatamaan na bola sa mabilis at may pwersang pagulong ng bola ni Taleigha.

One shot, that's all it takes, it looks impossible but surprisingly I feel like I'm a proud husband here.

Five balls in one shot is already beyond good, but Taleigha's stare at the balls looks like she wasn't contented as if she was expecting for more.

"Impossible." The mens, her opponent muttered with a gasp.

"Impossible is possible." She replied with a wide smirk plastered in her face, as she tried to make her cue stick stood up with her.

"Just how is that possible, did you use some cheating tricks?" Tinignan n'ya ang mga bola na shoot ni Taleigha, I made a clicking sound.

"Are you that afraid to admit defeat?" She said, her eyes narrowed at him.

"N-no, of course not! It's just don't you know who I am?" the man stuttered I am silently grinning at Taleigha's back.

"Do you think I am interested in your life?" she said boredly.

His jaw dropped. "You don't know me?!"

"Mind your manners, Kid." Taleigha said while putting her cue stick on the table before facing him.

"Did you just called me kid?" the man was offended, I scanned him, he's indeed a kid.

Taleigha tilted her head. "Are you not?"

His forehead creased. "You really don't know me?" He asked carefully as if stunned by her, overshadowed by women.

"Would I pretend not If I do?" She replied, she leaned down.

"Man, did you hear that? Someone in this room don't know me!" Masaya n'yang sigaw sa mga lalaking kasama n'ya.

Lumapit sa'kin si Taleigha, ngumisi ako ng makitang palapit na s'ya sa'kin. habang nakatingin sa kanya tumabi s'ya sa akib. bago ipinagkrus muli ang kanyang mga kamay.

NOBLE SERIES#3: RULING THAT VISCOUNTWhere stories live. Discover now