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That night ended with Atreus Ludvik Safronov staring at me, looking at me with so much questions in his eyes, that emerald color eyes who will lure you in the pond of desires and other things that you never knew that existed, such things that only him can make me feel.

It was a lovely night, With fireworks at end, Atreus Ludvik Safronov offered the coat he's wearing that I choo for him earlier in his office to me, it was cold in fact, I didn't argue he's persistent.

Today was another day, I don't know what to do it's a good thing I brought some cases with me, with the table inside the room I placed my laptop, I pulled my phone out of the charger before pulling the chair and sitting on it, I opened my laptop, scrolled for awhile before opening my brief case.

I already eat breakfast, it was sent here, due to the reason that Atreus Ludvik Safronov cannot join me, because he's busy with something, and just asked some maids to bring me foods, the secretary he's with also apologize for the rude behavior of the maid I encountered yesterday, I only nodded at him to make him realize that it was nothing.

Growing up in a field full of bullshits, craps, crimes, lies, corruption, such characteristics isn't new to me;in fact I already encountered worst, Being an FBI skilled agent isn't a light job, this year, two of our juniors died while handling a case, it wasn't new to us neither, because that's our life, the path we pave for us.

That's why before you choose a career you will take, take a deep measurements if you can do it, if you can handle it, if you're mentally stable for it, and lastly, if that's what your heart really wants.

It's hard to see people who choose to live a career because of people who decided it for them, I've encountered such people, and they're not happy at all, they're only surviving.

Striving in exchange of good impressions.

A decision without deep counter measurements will only lead to unhappy feeling, you cannot do something against your while thinking about everyone, this is your law, this is your world, your soul, your decision, if they cannot handle it, leave it, let them be annoyed, do not live for others, is all I can say.

One mistake can lead to painful consequences.

You can either learn from it, live with it, or repeat it again, I looked at the clock in my room, it's already eleven am, I wonder if they will also sent my lunch in my room, humming while tapping the table I stopped when I heard footsteps.

Light footsteps, there's a woman coming in my room, I turned my back and continued what I am doing, not minding it, the knocked on the door was light, I looked at it over my shoulder.

"My lady, are you inside?" The soft feminine voice got me.

"Come in." I replied.

The woman bowed her head, another two women' following her, with a cart they're pushing inside, they assisted the table put different plates with foods on it, I almost sigh at how many plates are in the table.

"Lady Navena, Also ordered us to make sure you wear one of this, you will meet my lord later, My lady." The other woman announced.

"Pardon?" I repeated. "I have my own clothes, I don't need someone to decide what I will wear, send it back."

Nagulat ako ng bigla silang lumuhod sa harapan ko, nangangatog ang kanilang mga tuhod, pinanood ko ang kanilang ginagawa, dahil maski ako ay hindi ko alam bakit nila 'yon ginawa.

"My lady, please wear it,"

"The head maid, strictly ordered us to make sure you will face my lord, gracefully and well prepared."

NOBLE SERIES#3: RULING THAT VISCOUNTWhere stories live. Discover now