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After settling ourselves, I hold the cue stick firmly while waiting for my turn, they're quite expert, Maybe it's because of the bet? Or maybe they're just really good in playing billiard, either are good anyway.

4,3,2. All balls that was cleaned in the table, there are only six balls left, number 3,4,6,9,1,15. The least shouldn't be taken, let's see what tricks we can use this time.

"It's your turn now, M'lady." The man with red hair said.

"I know." I replied.

Standing firmly, Atreus stand behind me giving me enough space for my shot, I hold the cue stick put the tip on the middle, bending, I close my eyes slightly, six balls scattered, left right, left right bottom, three diamonds, let's track what we can use this time.

"There." I muttered before striking out.

Unang natamaan ang bolang nasa gitna na malapit sa'kin gumulong ito sa ikalawang magkatabi na bola na gumulong sa magkabilang butas kasama ang isang bola natamaan ng cue ball ko, tumama sa gilid ng table kaya gumulong ito papunta sa ibaba naisama ang dalawang nagkatamaan na bola sa mabilis at may pwersang pagulong ng bola ko.

One shot, An Svetha's shot.

Five balls in one shot not bad although I'm expecting to clear all the balls in one strike, yet there's still remaining one, the ball with number one.

"Impossible." The mens, my opponent muttered with a gasp.

"Impossible is possible." I replied with a wide smirk plastered in my face.

"Just how is that possible, did you use some cheating tricks?" Tinignan n'ya ang mga bola na shoot ko.

"Are you that afraid to admit defeat?" I said, my eyes narrowed at him.

"N-no, of course not! It's just don't you know who I am?"

"Do you think I am interested in your life?"

His jaw dropped. "You don't know me?!"

"Mind your manners, Kid." I said while putting my cue stick on the table before facing him.

"Did you just called me kid?"

I tilted my head. "Are you not?"

His forehead creased. "You really don't know me?" He asked carefully as if stunned by me.

"Would I pretend not If I do?" I replied, I leaned my butt on the edge of the table, crossing my arms.

"Man, did you hear that? Someone in this room don't know me!" Masaya n'yang sigaw sa mga lalaking kasama n'ya.

Lumapit ako kay Atreus Ludvik Safronov, nakangisi s'ya habang nakatingin sa'kin, tumabi ako sa kanya bago ko ipinagkrus muli ang aking mga kamay.

"Did he already gone mad?" I whispered to Atreus Ludvik Safronov.

He pursed his lips. "You.... You really don't know him?" He asked again

Who is he? Why does everyone seems to see me as an ignorant fool for not knowing whoever's this man in my front is.

I pursed my lip and decided not to answer, there's no point of repeatedly myself when I already clearly stated I don't know him, Wether they believe it or not, it's not my business anymore.

"Let's play the second game," His other friend approached me with a smile in his face.

"Okay." I nodded my head before we walked in front of the table again, he's the other friend of this one.

"Dion, win the game, it cost million you better not lost that!" The person shouted.

Judging from their expression, they have this look that's full of spirit, maybe this guy is something that cannot be understimated, whatever is the reason I shouldn't fold my cards, the money that's in bet is Atreus Ludvik Safronov money, and it's not that I cannot afford to bet a money like that but I still have so many things and useful stuffs to spend my money with, for example donation.

NOBLE SERIES#3: RULING THAT VISCOUNTWhere stories live. Discover now