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Nang marinig ko ang siren ng pulisya ay agad akong tumayo ng tuwid saka tumakbo sa may balcony, tumalon ako pababa saka umakyat sa pader na pinangalingan ko kanina, nakalabas ako ng maayos, tinangal ko ang coat na suot ko saka, tinapon 'yon sa may gilid, inayos ko ang buhok ko saka tinangal ang mask ko at nilagay sa bulsa.

Hinarang ako ng mga pulis. "Taleigha, FBI." Saad ko sa kanila sabay labas ng card ko.

Agad silang umalis at nagbigay galang sa'kin, Probably know my name, nag kunware akong nag aasikaso sa loob, ngayon ay papasok na sila pataas, someone must have called the police in secret, wicked old man, pathetic.

Mga ilang minuto lamang ang tinagal ko roon saka nagpaalam sa kanila, lumapit ako sa motor ko saka pinaharurot 'yon papunta sa RJFNC BUILDING, Nang makabalik ako ay nagpark ako sa ground floor, umakyat ako gamit ang elevator at huminto 'yon sa floor ng office ko.

"Do you want some coffee?" Mr. Hick's suddenly asked when he saw me.

I nodded my head. "Yes, I would love to." I replied.

The old man smiled and nodded his head, he's now walking around probably asking everyone if they want something, it's already ten pm, some probably is already in their home but since Christmas is coming, we've so many files to assist before the break.

I went inside my office and dropped my gun on the drawer before sitting on my swivel chair, leaning my back, I turned around to face my glass wall, night view is relaxing, city lights, faces of the models are clear here. I grabbed the bottle of water in my table opening it before taking a sip.

I should start working now, I opened my laptop, typed my password and tilted my head before grabbing the files of cases I'm handling this month, I started reading every details, and other important gathered evidences in the scene, follow up witnesses.

"Hmm, This is interesting." I hummed before continuing reading from ten pages to twenty pages.

Nagtipa ako sa computer ko ng mga notes, nagtingin tingin rin ako ng mga importanteng naiwang details sa kaso na tinitignan ko ngayon. Why did they left this one? Someone must be hiding this, rather someone is preventing anyone to dig deeper.

My phone beeped, I turned around before picking it up, Someone is calling me, My lawyer, Mr. Abaddon.

"Good evening," he greeted formally, he's probably still in his office now.

"Good evening, Mr. Abaddon."

"Svetha, your request for reopening the case..." He hesitated. "Got declined." He completed.

I put down my papers. "I see, is that so?"

He sighed. "Yes, I just wanted to inform you, what will you do next?"

"I have nothing in my mind, and even if I have, that's none of your concern anymore." I replied, shaking my head.

What do I expect from this law and so called justice? Even if I am rich if someone is richer than me they would get away.

Now, money is everything, nothing else matters in this world aside from money, you can get away just by using money, even if your surname blooms, if money takes place you will fail.

I ended the call after saying thank you for his assistance, without hearing anything back I stared at the wall, I didn't even notice since when did my fist clenched so tight that I want to punch someone, How could this happen?

Reopening the case is possible if someone isn't preventing it to happen, disgusting people, they really won't take consequences for what they did, They really won't pay for their sins, huh.

NOBLE SERIES#3: RULING THAT VISCOUNTWhere stories live. Discover now