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If you have the song above you can play
After I was dressed up like a doll, putting my butterfly mask, I walked downstairs, when I went outside a car is already waiting for me, it was also sent by Khaleesi, she already prepared everything for me, maybe, that's the power of being the duke's only daughter.

The driver started the car as I sat down at the back silently watching every buildings and lights we're passing, this night is so lovely, the moon was bringing a light in the road that's dark, the street lights giving me a vibe of a girl who's free away from everything.

The night was simply beautiful.

"Ma'am, we've arrived." The man standing outside opened the door for me.

I stopped him from lending his hand to me, I stepped out of the car by myself, I roam my eyes around, as expected this is their mansion, the venue of the ball, not surprising at all.

"Thank you," I said to the man who escorted me, he was shocked at my gratitude but smiled after.

"Enjoy the night, Ma'am." He said.

I nodded my head looking in front. "I will definitely enjoy the night." I replied before started walking inside.

I intentionally planned to enter late of course after all I'm planning to be the ruin the night, I didn't come here to have a good reputation in fact I want them to never ever forget me. It's a good thing no one is outside I guess they're already having fun inside. That's a good thought.

I stopped in front of the huge door, with a sigh, I showed the invitation card on the scanner it automatically opened, I already put on my mask, the doors opened with me standing in the middle as soon as the doors opened everyone's eyes settled on me.

I walked forward with my head high, a posture of a lady who knows her worth, and will never bend to anyones wishes, a lady who knows how to stand in her own feet without anyone's help. A lady who's capable of bringing someone on his knees.

I witnessed everyone's expression, they're shocked, disgusted and confuse I already expected it but it never came to me that someone who's standing few feets away from me who's wearing a proud and amaze expression, I bet he's in the middle of talking but it seems that I caught his attention.

Well, it was no other than Atreus Ludvik Safronov.

He take few steps and stopped in front of me, he bow down, with his hands wearing gloves, he lifted my hand and kissed the back of it and stood up after it without letting go of my hand. I received gasps from people who's watching me.

"The theme was violet yet you're wearing red–"

I tilted my head. "Has anybody told you that I don't take orders especially from mens."

"Sshh, Calm down my dear agent, I  didn't say anything I was..." He paused and looked away with his other hand on his mouth. "Nobody told me that but nobody told me that you look so fucking gorgeous wearing a dress. God I could live just like this." He said, I noticed his ears are red.

I smirked. "My, Atreus Ludvik Safronov, are you blushing?" I said dumbfounded.

He looked away. "Who's blushing?" He said with so tight tone.

I gasped and looked at him. "Oh? Maybe I was imagining things then, that's disappointing I was even thinking of compliments you today but–" I teased, he immediately looked at my eyes.

I shake my head he looks like a puppy today, but I must admit, Atreus Ludvik Safronov looks handsome today, he stood with powerful aura, his new tattoo on his neck that was the first thing that caught my attention, it was snake, and the head of the snake was in his neck, his blue tuxedo was so neat, I noticed him because of his smile, it was the same smile he always put on whenever he teased me, the way he stand and talked with his friends it was no doubt this man is part of elites. His tattoos, tonight he looks hot. I looked away from a moment of realizing, did I just complimented him?

NOBLE SERIES#3: RULING THAT VISCOUNTWhere stories live. Discover now