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The masquerade ball.

Kagabi ay hinatid ako ni Atreus Ludvik Safronov, Matapos n'yang gamutin ang kamay at paa ko, nilagyan ng bandage ay may biglang sumulpot na lalaki sa gilid na may dalang supot, pagkain 'yon, pinakain ako ni Atreus Ludvik Safronov sa loob ng kanyang sasakyan, Hindi rin ako maka hindi dahil mukhang wala s'ya sa mood para tumangap ng hindi.

Kinuha n'ya rin ang susi ko ng tumangi ako na babalik ako sa kung saan ko iniwan ang motor ko, s'ya na lang daw ang bahala, Ipapahatid na lang n'ya ang motor ko sa harap ng apartment ko gaya ng ginagawa n'ya noon dahil malayo rin ang bahay n'ya dito, nakakahiya naman kung magpapabalik s'ya dahil lang sa'kin.

Ganoon ang nangyare kagabi, pagkatapos kong kumain ay sakto ring nakarating kami sa harap ng apartment ko, nagpasalamat ako saka pumasok na sa loob.

"Don't you think the fire last night was kind of suspicious," I stated, Kaito and I is now inside a cafeteria.

He looked up. "Why do you say so?"

I tilted my head. "It's more suspicious that you're not asking where I went after rescuing the kids last night."

His forehead slightly creased. "Khaleesi told me you went home early because you're tired."

I shake my head. "Ah, She did?" That was a total lie, that woman is indeed my best friend.

I can already hear her voice saying 'you are welcome, Tal.' with a teasing laugh at the end.

Kaito suddenly stared at me as if reading something, he's sensing if something's wrong, well aside from Khaleesi's half lie, nothing more.

"Anyway, Did the information we gathered last night did some helped to you?" I started, averting the topic.

He nodded his head. "Yes, it was a huge help, we're slowly getting to the point, and hideouts." He said then lick his lower lip he's now staring at the papers in his front.

I nodded my head in satisfaction, my skills wasn't wasted, and the poison was surprisingly indeed useful.

"Should we go back now? We have another meeting with Second seniors and Two heads." He informed.

I suddenly remember something. "Is it about the last order of the Head Boss."

"I don't think so, I am thinking if it's about Senior Akeldama, her past behaviors is not good." He replied.

"Senior Akeldama, She's abusing her position, First Class senior from another country, abusing her authority inside the field is indeed not good."

"I want her gone." Kaito suddenly said with serious voice.

I placed my pen in the table. "Hmm, that's new, Kaito Yamighishi disliking someone, I wonder what happened?" I said teasingly.

"The juniors you trained very hard with all your best suddenly throwed at me as if they're nothing but a trash she need to discard."

A sly smirked formed in my lips. "That's right either way, I don't mind at all." I said closing the topic.

"You're also part of her schemes, don't you feel at last disappointed?" He asked with concerned in his voice.

"Why would I?"

"Shouldn't you? They're under your command for years, at very least it's you who should be mad with these past events."

"Someone's disappointment is not something I should dwell, if she cannot change her attitude she will soon live in regrets."

"Hmm," he hummed. "Your words have a deep meaning,"

NOBLE SERIES#3: RULING THAT VISCOUNTWhere stories live. Discover now