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I felt something behind my back a presence of someone, it was taking a steps forward to my direction, I kept my pose, standing straight while facing the view in my front.

The wind blew in my face, the cold yet refreshing air splashing in my face, making it so relaxing, ang mga dahon na unti unting nagsisiliparan pababa kasama ang mga petals ng Iba't ibang bulaklak.

"How did you know I was following you?"

"It's too obvious, do it better next time." I replied not bothering to look at her.

She laughed. "Pardon me, My lady, but do you want me to escort you in the room you'll be staying?" She asked her voice wasn't nice and also not rude, but it was mixed with threat.

"Are you deaf?"


It was my turn to face her, judging by how feminine her walk, I already know she's a female, I just didn't expect she would literally show up herself that easily, if I was on my mission, she's probably gone now.

"Didn't you hear what Atreus Ludvik Safronov said? He'll escort me to my room, by himself."

She nodded her head. "I heard it clear-"

"Narinig mo naman pala, bakit nakatayo ka pa sa harapan ko?"

She tried exhaling. "But we cannot bother, My lord, He'll be busy we shouldn't make him do things that will waste his time."

I hummed. "Hmm, I see."

"Should -"

"You can leave now." I dismissed and wave my hand at him before facing the front again.

"Ma'am? Didn't you hear me I will escort you-"

"I have my own legs, you need not to escort me, I will wait for Atreus here," I licked my lower lip.

"Ma'am, I know you're a guest here but I was ordered to escort you to your room after,"

"It seems that you don't know Atreus well, If he says something, he will do it, wether it's now, tomorrow, or even eternity, he will." I replied. "I don't want to be rude, but if you have nothing to say anymore, do leave me alone." I added.

"Ma'am, you cannot act like a madame here-"

"Who said she can't?" Atreus Voice bombarded in the hall.

The face of the woman went pale, she immediately bowed down her head and took a three steps backwards making a way for Atreus Ludvik Safronov.

"Are you done with your business?" I asked as soon as he stopped in my front.

He glared at the woman before he can even speak I pulled his hand to me I gripped his jaw, tahimik kong sinenyasan ang babae na umalis na, mukhang hindi maganda ang mood ni Atreus Ludvik Safronov ngayon.

"Is everything alright?" Tanong ko ng makaalis ang babae.

"Wow, my dear agent... my heart is beating so fast, it's like a scene straight out of fairy tale, we're in fantasy book, where you would kiss a frog prince and will fall in love with him while the moon watched us and the starts shines as our love bloomed." His eyes were sparkling as he spoke dreamily while holding my hand grinning from ear to ear.

Sinampal ko s'ya. "Gising ka na ba?"

Ngumuso s'ya. "Hindi ka naman mabiro,"

"I'm hungry, can we eat now?" Pag iiba ko sa usapan.

"Gutom ka na pala, okay, Kain na tayo" He smiled brightly.

"Bakit lagi kang nakangiti -"

"Masaya kasi ako kapag kasama ka." Sagot n'ya, nasisilaw talaga ako minsan sa ngiti n'ya.

NOBLE SERIES#3: RULING THAT VISCOUNTWhere stories live. Discover now