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Due to their position, I've heard Hetous who's brought back to the palace was hardly beaten, pinalabas nila ito, dahil na rin sa baka magkagulo ang lahat kapag icinontain sila sa loob ng palasyo, I don't know what the Mauvais royalties plan to them, it's hard to even create a conclusion.

They tortured them and freed them later on.

The truth is I've been spacing out since I came out of the palace, Neither do I know what does the crown princess damn want me to know, her words keep hunting me, I have a feeling that I'm really missing something.

Wether I deny it or what, my gut says the other way, I sighed for the sixth time as I heard someone cleared his throat, I looked up to see who is it, and I saw Atreus Ludvik Safronov watching me intently.

"Taleigha, may problema ba tayo?"

Kumunot ang noo ko. "Tayo? My matters is mine. You need not to bear it." Diretso kong sagot.

"Ang hirap pala magmahal ng independent na tao." Rinig kong bulong n'ya saka bumusangot.

Kaunting katahimikan ay nagsalita muli ito. "Pero may problema nga tayo? I mean Ikaw ba."

"Why do you want to know?" I asked as i accepted the bottle of water he handed to me.

"Kanina ka pa kasi tahimik at nabuntong hininga, That's unusual for you, for a woman who always stay steadily, glares coldly, eyes other people without any expression, murder case nga hindi ka nabuntong hininga, means something big is bothering you." Mahabang litanya n'ya with hand gestures.

Ngumisi ako. "Is that so?" I trailed off.

"Hmm, tell me what's bothering you?"

"Will it change anything even if I tell you?"

He looked at me for awhile. "You don't have to tell me if it's uncomfortable for you," He smiled. "However you need not to say such thing as if I'm a stranger in your house."

I watched as he rose up to his seat and walked away, I turned my gaze to my laptop, with a last sigh I begun opening my hidden files.

I know it's not good to keep Atreus Ludvik Safronov in the dark, but this is the only thing I can do to keep him safe and away from my chaos, even if it means him resenting me, I'm at fault, I'll gladly take the consequences.

Once I'm done, I'll tell him everything, just hang in there, but if Atreus Ludvik Safronov got tired and don't want to go on anymore, I'll gladly set him free, there's no need to explain and begged for someone to stay.

I've gotten tired of changing and doing anything so they won't leave, but is there something more painful than losing all your family members in one blink like a meteor shower who just happened to went down in the sky.

The fear I'm feeling is nothing, I'm scared to be in love because I'm scared to see someone leaving me again, when I was still a junior, I decided that I wouldn't fall in love, I will devote myself to helping people get the justice they deserve.

A justice that my family never had, When money speaks for the right, justice will fade.

But Atreus Ludvik Safronov is different, to him I am me, and I'm just me, wether I'm cold and speaks few words, he's just there listening and staying, I know he feels I'm hiding something to him, but he never ask or tried opening a topic about it.

For him, as long as I'm staying, it's already enough.

He's a fool, that I once asked my self, do I deserve such man, it feels like walking in the garden of thorns just to find the rose who shines and bright in the center, to keep it you must bleed.

NOBLE SERIES#3: RULING THAT VISCOUNTWhere stories live. Discover now