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We stayed in the Royal Palace for two days, we're still escorting the delegations of the other kingdoms, At fist they sulked, and they asked for an audience with the Queen but not surprisingly the Queen denied their request.

The two days I spent in the Royal palace guarding the Delegations are neither good or bad, I cannot say one, because of what happened, jusg like how I happened to meet the queen accidentally.

"Greetings, Your majesty, The queen." I bowed, with my hand crumpled on fist in my chest.

"You may rise," She said, her voice was very sweet.

I stood up straight and looked at her, The Queen is standing in my front. With her hair down, she's smiling at me, it was very sweet, she's like a caring mother, She only had two escorts, One was Damien Kedavra, The Commander of all Royal Palace knights, His facial expression was blank he even looked at me with a communicating eyes to be careful and mind my manners.

There's no doubt that this man can kill me if I made a mistake, One was a lady in her back, I don't know who is she, but I guess a lady in waiting?

"Taleigha? I am guessing?" Her majesty, the queen asked.

I nodded my head. "One of your person, your majesty." With that I bowed again.

"How thoughtful, Come with me." She offered, I thought about declining but when I saw Damien and the woman glaring at me.

"My pleasure, your majesty." I replied without even thinking.

Naglakad kami papasok, pagpasok namin sa loob ay nalaglag ang panga ko sa nakikita ko, A palace made of Jewels, the Queen's palace, the palace made by the King, Naglakad kami papunta sa isang pavilion, Sumunod ako sa kanya huminto kami sa isang garden, ang gaganda ng mga bulaklak doon, Amoy na amoy ang bango nila kahit na naglalakad ka lamang.

"Have a seat, Agent Svetha." Her majesty the queen said after she taken her seat.

"Thank you, Your majesty." I replied and silently take the seat in front of her, a table in the middle.

Hindi ko namalayan ang biglang pagsulpot ng mga Royal maids, naglapag sila ng tea cups, cube sugars in a jar, and a chess board, are we playing it?

"Would you mind playing with me?" She asked, after the maids made our tea.

I hesitated first. "You see, my daughters are busy assessing people." I almost laughed at how she put another word instead of killing.

I smiled. "What about your son, Your majesty?"

She shake her head. "Ah, that boy is busy chasing someone," She lifted the tea plate, her fingers holding the cup perfectly.

I also take a sip on the tea. "A woman, Your majesty?" I asked back.

She laughed. "Yeah, Do you find it ridiculous, The only prince of Royal Palace is chasing someone." She smiled as if she find her son funny.

Well it's indeed funny, but the way she spoke, she's happy, that's for sure, The mother of the people is very happy that her son is doing what he wants.

"You look very happy, your majesty."

She looked at me. "I am, As a mother, the only thing I want for my children is to do whatever they want." She said with a contented smile.

With the atmosphere, I couldn't relate, what does it feel to have a family, a mother? I don't know.

It's been a long time since I felt the warmth of a parents who care and love their daughter more than their selves, preventing to think further and only hurt myself, I asked for a game.

NOBLE SERIES#3: RULING THAT VISCOUNTWhere stories live. Discover now