Whats that saying?

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First official chapter hope you enjoy💋😘

First official chapter hope you enjoy💋😘

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How does the saying go? Never say never

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How does the saying go? Never say never. Well YN was now a firm believer in that. At this point in her life, she felt like she would be dominating her career and her love life she was excelling in her job right now but her love life ... needed a little love.

She didn't do random hookups or talking stages that last forever and then you never date ..... no she liked to be wined and dined or a guy could just leave her alone and she stood firmly on that until she got this message in her dm.

A message from Melo ball simply saying hey and asking how her day was. She let it sit for a while because she was waiting for him to unsend the message or say he didn't mean to send that to her but hours went by and he never did. She had a little buzz on Instagram but she wouldn't call herself an Instagram model. But every once in a while she would see blue checks sprinkled in her likes and in her story views it made her feel good.

She used her Instagram and her sexuality to get passive money and have a little name for herself. She also gets some money from Instagram when she posts certain things and her main goal was to have several streams of income. So she could do what she really love and that was traveling. If she had it her way every weekend she would be in a different city but she was working up to that.

When she posted a cute video in her story and Melo liked it she finally responded to his dm. "My day has been good what about yours? Thanks for the like" "it's a nice video so of course.... My day been good thanks for asking" "so is there any particular reason you messaged me today?" "Just to get to know you a lil bit I keep seeing your face so I wanted to message you if that's cool wit you ....so where you from" "here and there😂😂"

When he messaged her she could tell he was playing it safe. She knows he has a girlfriend so she wasn't even trying to flirt with him but once the messages move to texting everything speed up. They went from dming each other whenever to texting almost every day. He looked out for her and they were building something. She just had no clue what it was when they were on FaceTime he was clearly flirting and she started to follow his lead but his messages were so dry she never tried to keep a conversation going once it fizzled out. He liked that about her she didn't continue talking when she didn't have anything to talk about she just let it go until the next time they would speak.

From Mistress to Mrs. *Lamelo Ball & Jayson Tatum*Where stories live. Discover now