Baller to Baller

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Her door flies open

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Her door flies open......
"Oh so I'm stupid? Where the fuck you been" he snatched her into the room roughly making her smile. "Oh my gosh Melo are you serious right now?" "I asked you a question first what are you doing" currently she was silently thanking God that Jayson refused to come up. "Trying to figure out what your issue is."She looked him up and down "My issue is you ignoring my messages and calls you really this upset that I didn't come earlier so the first thing you do is hop on another nba player?"

"First of all watch your mouth you upset me yeah but you always do and I don't always end up with another man I went out with a friend and we just happened to run into him that's all....if you were so busy why couldn't I spend my time with someone else?" "you did more than spend time your lipstick is smeared" she rolled her eyes "first of I was eating and drinking out of a straw don't play with me and I thought your bitch was here that's why you couldn't be bothered with me right?" "yeah she surprised me so what?" "So why tf you here?! And why did I have to figure out from her Instagram page why not just tell me instead of being a dick" "don't flip this on me" "I'm not I'm just asking the questions you wouldn't answer earlier" "so you didn't fuck that nigga?" "It's not your business" "did you or did you not YN I'm not playing with yo ass" he slightly raised his voice she smiled Between Lamelo and Jayson she was so horny it was too many feelings inside of her at this moment

"nah I didn't but I should've because I was thinking about it the whole night" he balled up his fist thinking about punching the wall but then he stopped himself calming down "ight dawg you a dub" "oh am I?" "Yeah you are" "you asked a question and I'm being honest." "That's true..." "exactly" "so what you in love with that nigga?" "I literally just met him tonight!!" he started walking close to her which cause her to continued walking back until her ass hit the wall.

"Hmmmm what am I gonna do with you?" He was clearly turned on she could really do no wrong to him She bit her lip "I know what I wanted but I'm sure that hoe has been all over you so I don't want that no more" He laughed "I don told you bout talkin bout her" he towered over her making her feel soft and vulnerable.

"This is my mouth I do as I please" "yeah alright mhm" he says blowing her off and kissing her lips quickly she couldn't help but think about the passionate kiss she had just shared with Jayson... that kissed transformed her this one was just .... Cute.
Probably because she just wasn't into it and did Melo even care about her atp she had no clue "mmm you didn't like that one huh?" He asked her reading her face cause one thing about YN is if her mouth doesn't say it her face surely will

"....Where those lips been? I know you've kissed her" "I took a shower before I came here im not nasty I wouldn't double dip like that" "so you fucked her?" "Why does it matter" "that means yes😂" "I didn't though" "alright you get a cookie🥱" she says sarcastically. He leans in kissing her again he grabs the back of her head gently making sure to kisses her aggressively with passion just like she likes his hand fell to her ass squeezing tightly she wishes his fingers would just brush pass her pussy just a little bit to relieve some of the pressure it started to get heated and then....

From Mistress to Mrs. *Lamelo Ball & Jayson Tatum*Where stories live. Discover now