"They always seem sweet in the beginning"

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Happy Halloween!!! I was trying to have this up during the weekend but too much was going on ..... so I hope you enjoy 💋

Where are Jayson and YN now? A month after the infidelity little progress has been made after the first week Jayson made an appointment with a therapist and begged YN to come with him

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Where are Jayson and YN now? A month after the infidelity little progress has been made after the first week Jayson made an appointment with a therapist and begged YN to come with him. It's been four sessions and YN does not like the therapist at all she tries to hide but she doesn't do it well enough. Her relationship with Melo? Stronger than ever it's like they've truly become friends like she's claim they've always been the only awkward moments where when Melo and Jayson crossed paths they would speak but never talk too long YN wanted to fix that but she had to work on her and Jayson first.

Currently her and Jayson were in therapy session number five her friend had dropped her off because they carpooled to work together so YN was a little late which already had pissed Jayson off so tensions were high as the session continued.....

"Infidelity can affect people in many different ways... YN can you tell Jayson an emotion that you felt other than anger and sadness after he told you he cheated" "I felt betrayed" "Jayson how does that make you feel to hear that" "like shit... we were working on being a team ... I knew everything she had been through and I still messed  this up.... badly" "YN can you acknowledge Jayson also has some intense feelings about the cheating incident" "I'm sure he does have feelings about it..... but do they matter"

"I don't matter?" Jayson asks YN the therapist takes over again "let's rephrase the question Jayson" "i don't know how to rephrase that she just said  I don't matter! " YN rolls her eyes "no.... I said they don't matter as In your feelings about fucking your ex don't matter cause Nah I feel like every bad feeling you feel about that situation you should" "YN are you actively working on forgiving Jayson cause that sounded very vengeful"

"do you want me to tell the truth or not? .....of course I wanna move forward but it's only been a month and guess what? we haven't even been around eachother that much between him working and being a father he doesn't have much time for this relationship which didn't use to be a problem but now.... I require more because of the lack of trust " "I make time as much as I can I can't put being a father or my career on the back burner and I know you don't even really want me to do that you just trying to make me hurt so stop I'm on to your game" she smiled

"Okay I'm stoping" "YN please try to explain your feelings throughly" the therapist tries to save the conversation before it goes off the deep end "is our time not up yet? I swear I've been in here more than an hour he told me to stop so I'm stoping I'm over it" "you don't listen to shit else I say so Tf you talking about" "who tf you talking to Jayson don't raise your voice in front of this man like you run something" "see this the shit I was talking about" he said to the doctor YN lifted her eyebrow

"you were talking about me before I came in?" "Well you were late so I'm gonna get my moneys worth" "oh wow okay" "if you wanted to be on time you would've been but you don't care about this" "stop doing that!! you can put your career first but as soon as I do the same I get accused of not giving a fuck also I wasn't driving you expect me to leave my job in the middle of meeting to go to a therapy session? No Jayson real jobs don't work like that" "see how she says real jobs ... I have a real job" "yeah you do so let me rephrase corporate jobs don't work like that Jayson you wanna be fixated on every word I say instead of trying to figure out what I'm actually saying cause it makes you look like the good guy but newflash nigga we're in therapy because you cheated!" Before Jayson could speak the therapist cut him off
"let me jump in here you guys just said a lot YN first can you explain your earlier statement when you said you need more time or he doesn't make time can you explain that"

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