Pretzel day 🥨🥨

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Sorry for the wait ... but I think it's worth it.

It was the following day and Jayson had texted YN that he wanted to see her after work because they needed to talk

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It was the following day and Jayson had texted YN that he wanted to see her after work because they needed to talk. She was scared because their night had ended beautifully they talked more in depth about where these random arguments were starting from. She took some of the blame with her constant mentioning other men who wanted her. He also said he didn't like that at all... it made him feel like a back up. And he didn't even play off the bench while working he definitely wasn't gonna do it in real life.

They also talked about his mother. He apologized for her being so abrupt and mentioned he would discuss everything with her tomorrow. She even gave him a reward for sticking up for her. YN wanted to repair the relationship because if she didn't have Brandy on her side their relationship was as good as done. YN was past the point of feeling like she just wanted Jayson she needed him she craved him. In every way possible so if he was ever taken away from her because of a mistake she would see red.

She had a bad feeling about this talk because she knew he had seen his mother today and she clearly was still hot about the Leslie situation. YN couldn't tell anybody how to feel but she felt like Brandy was more mad than Jayson was. And that's partially because Brandy didn't truly understand how pure YN was. And by pure I mean her intentions she truly tries to be there for everyone and be positive. It doesn't always come out that way but Jayson sees it. Another reason she NEEDED him.

It was five o clock and she had just walked out of the office. It's a Saturday and truthfully she rarely worked on the weekends and if she did it was a short day. But YN came early and left late to avoid this conversation. Jayson called as she was walking to her car.

"Hi handsome I'm getting in the car right now" "hey beautiful ... you just leaving work?" "Yeah it was a long day but I wasn't alone so it's fine" "oh okay I was calling cause I was about to head to you but I'll wait" "no go ahead let yourself in." "You want me to spend the night?" "I would love for you to spend the night bae" "good let me pack a bag... what you gotta do tomorrow" YN thought for a second

"nothing that I can think of right now. Like I don't need to leave the house for anything really"  "okay bae ... let me pack me a little bag and I'll see you when you get home" "okay I love you" "I love you too" "wait baby..." YN bit her lip nervously as she drove down the road. "Yeah?" "What's the talk about?" "I got you nervous?" "Yeah a little" "is that why you worked all day? Trying to avoid me?" "I planned on talking to you today regardless but yeah kinda... I just wanna know what it's about so I don't cry when you start talking because my anxiety has me thinking you're about to break up with me and I know that doesn't make sense because the conversation we had last night we were talking about long term goals and things we want with eachother but my mind is still racing baby and I'm sorry to ramble"

"baby... I'm not going no where and I don't wanna break up with you. I do wanna talk some more about you and my mama that's all. Now I also need to say this I wouldn't be having this conversation if I didn't think you would be around forever focus on that please" "okay" she sniffles but tries to hide it. "Baby?" "Hm?" "It's okay everything is okay don't stress especially while you're driving " YN took a deep breath "you're right I'm listening baby" "okay maybe you need to play your music" "yeah... I think you're right I'll be home in like fifteen minutes" "okay baby see you soon" "see you soon" Jayson hangs up YN asks Siri to play her favorite playlist and then she started singing along.

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