Flying out...

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I hope you guys like this chapter🥺

"Okay baby I'm heading out I'll try to come back tonight or tomorrow morning" she says kissing his forehead while he was still laying down"if you can leave today just come to the game" he looked pitiful it almost made her wanna cry

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"Okay baby I'm heading out I'll try to come back tonight or tomorrow morning" she says kissing his forehead while he was still laying down"if you can leave today just come to the game" he looked pitiful it almost made her wanna cry. When she left her home Friday with all intentions on staying the whole week he had things planned he was pushing for her to come to the away game because he already had something planned with her Phoenix. It's Monday he would be going to Arizona today and she would be going ... back to her city.

She set up a zoom call with Liangelo's assistant and she had a meeting with her new clients Jonah and Lorenzo. She was finally meeting Jonah's partner even though she was pretty sure it was Lorenz. And lastly she had to meet with her boss.... Doing all of this the day she gets back was crazy and that's why she had to fly out at seven in the morning. Cause she had to make her baby's game he was looking too depressed and they needed to win.

Jayson glanced outside "it's still dark I don't want you in a Uber I'll drive." He was yawning before he could even finish the sentence "I gotta head out ... like in five minutes" YN had anxiety when it came to flights and being there on time.  he smiled "im just sliding these sweats on and taking you bae give me one second." He peed and brushed his teeth quickly. Walking out grabbing her bags from her hands and they started to go towards the car he grabbed the keys off the hook locking up the house.

They get in the car putting on seat belts and then he takes off towards the airport. "You'll call me when you get home right?" "You won't be sleep?" "I will be ... but still call you'll get there around nine right?" "Yeah if they leave on time" "and then what's in your line up" "I have my meeting with new clients at 10 then a zoom with Liangelo assistant at 11:30 then I have a meeting with my boss at 2." "You can try and get you a nap between those last two."

"Yeah I might be too nervous about that last one I've never been in trouble at work like what if she fires me" "baby you didn't do anything wrong grown men being petty got you in this situation it's your first issue at work they not firing you. You do too much for them" "what if they say I can't come to Boston anymore like to live cause they don't trust me... maybe that's why she's calling me in to tell me the bad news" "let's just hope not ... these four days straight have been better than any other ones cause it's really like we live together" she smiled

"I was thinking about that while I was getting ready to go... like what made this time different" "yeah it felt like you was never gonna leave ... in the best way possible" she smiled "I know what you saying baby" "so you'll come to Phoenix tonight? Game starts at seven I know you'll be tired but baby please" "ima try bae you know the plane ride is a little over four hours ... but I'll try" "that's all I ask"

YN ran the numbers in her head if she Ubers to her office and leaves her luggage in her office while she talks to her bosses. She wouldn't have to go back home she could just Uber or get Leslie to drive her... that would also give her time to catch Leslie up on the meeting. The meeting is supposed to be short so she should be able to leave by 2:30 if she leaves the city at 3....4,5,6. Getting there after six he'll already be at the game but she would still be on time technically.

From Mistress to Mrs. *Lamelo Ball & Jayson Tatum*Where stories live. Discover now