March 3rd & 4th/Please

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****** this is almost like three chapters in one... I hope y'all enjoy chileeeeeeee 😂🤭
Sorry for the wait but it's over 11,000 words😭

 I hope y'all enjoy chileeeeeeee 😂🤭 Sorry for the wait  but it's over 11,000 words😭

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He woke up at six in the morning to head to the gym. A few of his birthday texts had already rolled in his girlfriend was sound asleep. The amount of champagne she consumed last night let him know she wasn't gonna wake up until later and honestly that was fine.

He appreciated everything she's been doing but now he was glad to get her alone. It had been a big week for them he met Leslie,they attended the fundraiser together, she met Deuce, and all of his birthday events that she planned with absolutely no help and it was perfect somehow. He brushed his teeth trying to wake up so he can be on time suddenly he felt two soft hands wrap around his torso and kisses being placed on his back.

"Goodmorning... and happy birthday daddy" her voice was soft almost like she had lost it "thank you baby ... what you doing up?" "I set an alarm so I can tell you happy birthday before you left... I didn't wanna text it" he smiled "that was sweet" "I try... when you gonna be back" "around nine" "okay can we do breakfast when you get back?" "Yeah I would love that" "okay baby I packed your gym bag and your smoothie is in the blender in the refrigerator you just have to mix it..."
"thank you baby that means a lot" "good luck in the gym today I'm going back to sleep" "okay baby enjoy your sleep"

He liked his birthday but she loved his birthday. She was using this week to spoil him like she's always wanted to. When he was finished getting ready he kissed her on the forehead talking softly. "Go back to sleep I love you" "I love you too" he sneaks another quick kiss and then leaves.

Once she hears the garage open and close she waits for about five minutes. And then rushes downstairs into the closet of the guest room pulling out all the gifts she had got him for his birthday and the large letters that spell his name. They were already wrapped so she organized all of it in a cute way. In front of the large letters.She picks up her phone glancing at the time it was 7. So she went upstairs and showered and brushed her Teeth. Getting dressed.

"You ready?!" She yelled from the kitchen. "No but I have my stuff ready" Leslie says dragging her suitcase out. Leslie had texted her late that night asking if she would take her to the airport since she was having trouble scheduling a Uber. YN laughs "you the one rushing off" YN knew it was time for Leslie to go she was just glad she didn't have to put her out... that's her girl Fr.

"some of us have to work on Monday" "mhm ... you need help?" "No I'm ready Fr though" They started walking towards the door "damn it looks like Christmas morning in here" "I had to go all out for his birthday" "I wish I was your Nigga" "girl stop cause you know I love giving gifts" "every year on my birthday your gift be the best that's true" "period I be thoughtful" they get in the car heading to the airport when Jayson calls.

"I'm about to finish up early ... should I wait to come home?" YN smiled "please? I had to run Leslie to the airport really quick" "happy birthday Jayson!!" "Thank you Leslie I hope you enjoyed your time with us" "I definitely did" "bae ask her who shes talking to so we know at the party" Jayson says to YN Leslie starts laughing "oh yeah... who you talking too" "... Grant" she said apprehensively YN eyes got wide cause she knows for a fact that Grant is also dating Gentry ... hm

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