Bad bitch named ....Karma

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***I hope you will enjoy 👀

He kissed her deeply while holding her tightly like he never wanted to let her go

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He kissed her deeply while holding her tightly like he never wanted to let her go. "How did we get here?" She moaned "does it matter YN? You want me?" He pulls away staring in her eyes "yes I want you Melo" "then don't worry about shit else" it was a whirl wind next thing he knew he was about to be inside her again... it had been too long he had waited for this moment again ..... and then he woke up. It had been a week since he laid down everything out on the table for YN and he still didn't know what he was gonna do.

Melo sits up in his bed "damn" he glanced beside him staring at the Instagram model from last night .... He never really looked at her face cause the whole time he was imagining she was YN.... But she didn't feel like YN.

He shakes her slightly "I gotta head out soon... so it's time for you to go" she cracks her eyes "want some more before I go?" She was on mission to get called back and be chosen.... Of course she didn't realize he wasn't available "uh yeah... just do the work" truth be told he woke up hard because of his dream she might as well solve it while she was here. She smiled he groans sliding his dick out of his boxers as she climbs on top of him.

He studied her face when she slides him inside of herself. "Bounce on this dick don't play with it" she moaned moving her hips up and down. He sighed.....
she's not YN

It's been a week... and two days and she still hasn't heard anything from Melo. She was wondering if he had decided to just let her be happy in her relationship and not include himself anymore even though he wanted her. She missed her friend.... She always missed him when she knew she couldn't have him worst thing about it is she had no one to talk to about it.

Her girlfriends felt like she shouldn't be friends with Melo at all and the fact that she missed him... they would be quick to judge and she didn't have time for that.

She also missed Jayson right now he had been on the longest road trip of the season he was so tired between games they haven't even been talking .... That is until Ella was at the game on Boston's side court side with her friends.

Jayson reached out to make sure YN knows he went straight to the gym and back to his hotel room alone.... She had to trust him because if she wasn't going to trust him she should've just broke up with him. But right now she was feeling more lonely than ever before and it sucked. So what did she do? Throw herself into her work even more than before.

Her body had been hurting. She would get some of the sharpest pains and what felt like cramps in her stomach and back but she felt like it just had to be her period coming back hard as ever.

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From Mistress to Mrs. *Lamelo Ball & Jayson Tatum*Where stories live. Discover now