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Sorry for the wait.... I was going through a lot guys but here you go excuse any typos please!! Love you all💕❤️ and with that said this chapter is long af please enjoy

" ..... The song does come from an extremely real place I made a selfish decision and I'm not sure the innocent party affected knows anything about it but I am sorry"
"Do you want to go into anymore detail?"
"I don't want to but I will... I had dealings with an ex recently and he's in a relationship she seems like a really sweet girl but I was being selfish him and I had several reasons why we broke up but infidelity was one so the fact that I did that to someone else was fucked up and um I wrote a song about it"
"Wow that's a super real place well the song is beautiful and you can hear the emotion in it"
"Thanks I don't wanna expose him or anything cause I truly do think he's a great guy but he has some issues"
What's worse then getting cheated on? Everyone knowing you got cheated on and you stayed. YN was grateful in this moment that he told her the truth because she couldn't have imagined finding out this way. All the time and forgiveness put in seem to almost dwindle away when YN heard Ella speaking in a radio interview. The only person she had really been tied to publicly was Jayson so everyone who knew YN sent her the clip that was circulating around.

She cried and tried to get herself together because she had a flight to catch. Straight to Boston to watch Jayson play tomorrow. She would be court side beside his mother, her boyfriend,father and his girlfriend . She was excited but nervous all at the same time so this little interview only added to her nerves.  As soon as she zips her suitcase he calls."Yes sirrr?" "You on your way to the airport yet?" "Just finished packing but in a bout ten minutes I'll be leaving" "okay I sent a private .... So you can rest I know you're tired and I'm getting you myself" She finally puts her face in the camera"yayy I'm excited" she smiled "you sure?" She laughed slightly "yeah ... I just keep seeing that clip and it messed my mood up a little" "what clip?" She bit her lip so he asked again

"what clip?" "Um Ella dropped a new song .... And it's about you guys and she's on her press tour" "she said my name?" "No but knowing what I know it's easy to put two and two together plus the blogs are kinda already doing it so." "Doing what?" "Saying the song is about you" "fuck!" His voice was deep and filled with anger "it's fine" "it's not why would she do that?" "She's an artist she's coping" "so you taking up for her?" YN lifted an eyebrow

"yeah I guess I am but it's really no reason to be upset because I'm not mad we've moved on" "yeah you're not mad but I can tell you been crying" "yeah" "just hurry and get to me we got plans and I don't want any of that to ruin them" she smiled "okay baby I love you" "I love you too" "byeeeee" "bye" she hangs up exhaling "well look at that growth" she smiled proud of herself.

*A few hours later*

She was getting off the plane and there was Jayson flowers in hand ready to see her. She walked over quickly kissing him
" mmm hey baby" "hey papa" he smiled on her lips "save that for later we got a big night" "oh....? we do?" "mhm so first you take these....and ill take these bags" he handed her the flowers while grabbing her bags. Soon they were both in the car driving out of the airport she kept glancing at him and smiling.

"I'm really back in Boston" "yeah... do you wanna be?" He smiled "it's no other place I rather be... If I'm being in honest" "good cause you staying with me regardless" "so you'll hold me hostage?" "If I have too" "boy bye😂😂" "this the same car we sat in that first night we met ... eating burgers and talking shit" YN laughed "I remember... that was a goodnight I remember when you kissed me ..... it was so damn passionate" "it's cause I wanted to fuck you" she rolled her eyes

"bae I thought we was being sentimental" "I thought we was being honest" she laughed "always.... So what's the moves" "go back to the house let you chill a little bit and then I invited a few people over for a lil game night" YN lifted her eyebrow "a few... like a group? Or like two?" "It don't matter you'll have fun ... I promise" "hmmm I was really looking forward to having some good sex tonight cause I know I can't get none tomorrow" "why not?" "You not fuckin before the game" "I might after tho...." "It'll be lazy sex I don't want that I been missing you badly in that department it's ridiculous" he smiled "we'll have time before game night .... I'll get you right" "good bae"

From Mistress to Mrs. *Lamelo Ball & Jayson Tatum*Where stories live. Discover now