Jealousy and Protection

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Hiiiiii this is a pretty long chapter ... hope you enjoy

YN woke up with music in her heart she was humming

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YN woke up with music in her heart she was humming. Jayson wasn't missing with the sex at all... last night was proof for her that he keeps just getting better. Since his birthday was in two days and she was feeling so blessed she wanted to treat him for the rest of the week.

Jayson was still sound asleep snoring loudly. She played her music lowly going to the bathroom doing her normal routine after her shower she went downstairs in her robe.  She cooked for Jayson and now she was  cleaning the kitchen when Leslie comes out.

"Goodmorning boo" YN says casually glancing over her shoulder. "Goodmorning how you feeling?" "Pretty good ... I didn't drink after we left the car last night so no hangover" "good ... so what's on the plans today" Leslie sits down at the island. "Well we're gonna go have brunch with my friend up here I think you'll love her um and then it's game night ... I also need to check on something's for Jayson birthday things so it'll be great if you can do that with me" "sounds fun what you wearing to brunch?" "Idk yet but YFB be dressing so you definitely gotta come correct" Leslie laughs okay bet what time we heading out "she wanted to meet at 12:30 at this cute little place but hopefully we can leave here around 111:40 cause it's a little far" "okay when you're done here you think you can help me find something to wear" "yes... what time is it?" "10:00" "okay let me run this up to Jayson and then I'll come to your room" "okay bet" After YN placed everything on the tray she takes it upstairs. She's happy to see Jayson was awake on his phone.

"Goodmorning baby" she whispers he smiles waving her over "yeah I'll be by to pick him up ... you kinda woke me up so I gotta get up but I'll leave here around 11:30.... Alright bet see you then" he hangs up the phone "Goodmorning baby what's this for?" "... just because" she finally places it on his lap. "I got time to eat you too" YN laughs "no you don't what you gotta do at 11:30" "pick up Deuce" "oh I didn't realize they were back..." "yeah they got back last night" "that was a short ass school trip" "yeah I know....I gotta tap into daddy mode"

"okay... um so what do you want me to do?" "What you mean?" "Do you want me here when he gets here?" "Where else would you go?" "YFB house ... I mean? Until I get a hotel Leslie is here too" "everything is fine  I'm gonna go pick him up so we can hang out" "and then go to the game right?" "Yeah" "so do you want me to come to the game?" "Duh" he laughed he wasn't sure why she was confused

"so we're both gonna be with you" "yeah bae you bout to move up here... my birthday coming up... and you had plenty of conversations on the phone when you're not here he even be asking about you .... I think it'll be fine" "well... you haven't seen him you two deserve your alone time together" "and we'll get going with your girls today right?" "yes brunch" "okay then" "okay then"

"if you not ready that's fine just let me know I already told him you were here though" "of course I'm ready it's time .. I'm just nervous" "it'll be fine baby" "I love you" "I love you too ... go ahead and get ready for brunch... no need to stress" "okay I'm gonna run downstairs to help Leslie ... enjoy your breakfast" "thank you baby" YN smiles walking to the guest room knocking on the door.
" come in!! I have options...." YN laughs "okay walk me through"

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