Ten steps ahead

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Otp with Trin

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Otp with Trin

"Lorenzo called bae talking about y'all really not gon go back out I think that's crazy asf seeing how I saw you two and it was a spark YN stop self sabotaging!!!  you think you need to be single but you don't you can handle a man and do everything you're trying to do. I've never thrown no man at you but Lorenzo could really be your future stop chasing a unicorn man and try Lorenzo he's everything that you ever said you wanted I'm getting tired of this shit" Trinity rarely got her friend together and from Trinity point of view YN could totally understand why tf one of her best friends just snapped on her.

"Trin you don't understand everything that's going on I didn't say anything was wrong with Lorenzo I just said I can't date him now" "tell me what's going on then" "I'm not ready to tell anybody what's going on" "YN just go out with him again damn!" YN laughed finally giving in "only cause you feel so strongly about this .... I'll call him" "thank you hang up and do it right now" "damn bye trin" "bye YN"

YN took a deep breath calling Lorenzo could piss Lamelo off and she didn't wanna do that the last thing she wanted was him to leave her alone again. She contemplated everything Trin said was settling in because at the end of the day YN didn't think she would end up with Lamelo and yeah it hurt to think about but she needed to be realistic.

"Fuck it!!!" YN screamed and FaceTime Lorenzo. She only FaceTimed cause she looked really good right now after shooting some pictures for Instagram and she needed him to remember her face. He answered pretty fast. "Ohhhhhh shittttt I thought this was a butt dial" YN laughed "nooo its not... you alone?" "Yeah I'm alone wussup" "so when you called the other day it gave me really warm feelings and I um was completely telling you the truth I am in something but .... I really would like to go out with you I don't know it's something about you and if I'm gonna continue to be honest Trin is pissed at me" Lorenzo laughed "don't feel forced to go out with me cause ov your friend"

"no not forced she's just never set me up with a man because she always felt like nobody deserved me .... And then you came along and well" "you think ima say no to your pretty ass? Of course not" YN laughed he continued to talk "I actually have tickets to the Hornets game on Tuesday I'll love to take you" YN started to panic "um you sure you don't wanna take a friend ... to the game?" "Nah I definitely wanna take you I know you like basketball soo.... And then we can go to dinner or whatever you want after" YN wanted to correct him nooo I like basketball .... Players.She smiled at her thoughts but continued thinking what's the luckily hood that Lamelo would see her in the stands like 3%?

"Okay yes that's sounds fun" "alright the game start at seven but I like to get there a little earlier" "okay I'll be ready" "I'll come and get you I'll probably try to get to the game at the latest ... 6:45 so if you can be ready before then" " okay Ummm yeah I'll send you my address and I can be ready by like 6:20 so ...." He laughed "okay perfect thanks for calling" "thanks for answering byeeee" "bye YN" She hangs up the nervousness that ran through her body was on a thousand.

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