The Neighbor/ Ridiculous 💋

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***** this is another one of those chapters where I tacked on what seems like another chapter so it's pretty long but yeah I hope you guys enjoy

***** this is another one of those chapters where I tacked on what seems like another chapter so it's pretty long but yeah I hope you guys enjoy

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She had a hectic day today running   errands and by running errands  she was going to the doctor target and then to Jayson.

She woke up in a great mood she would be flying out to see Jayson later today. And she couldn't be any more excited the playoffs have been going well but she could tell he was getting tired because they lost the last two games. Nonetheless she believe he would win the championship he had been working so damn hard. He had to finish strong to get to whoever wins in the west and then boom he would be a champion.

She had already showered and got dressed.

She grabbed her purse, phone and keys walking out of the door

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She grabbed her purse, phone and keys walking out of the door. Her music was blasting in her AirPods but As soon as she opened her door she heard her neighbors door opening at the end of the hallway. YN rolled her eyes this had been happening ever sense Jayson had left the last time. It's like when Jayson opened her door that night it made her neighbor more annoying.

Sometimes she didn't even feel safe but she didn't wanna tell Jayson that. Truthfully she didn't know what this guys problem with her was. She turned her music down so she could be more aware of her surroundings as she locked her door. By the time she finished locking her door she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"I'm thinking about reporting you due to your noise issues" "all due respect but you stay in a loft not a house you have to expect to hear someone else. If you want it quiet might I suggest moving to the country" "I have no problem going to the office now" "honestly sir do what you feel is best but I'm not making that much noise nobody else is complaining... now if you can please excuse me" YN picked her phone up calling YFB hoping she would answer because this guy needed to think somebody was waiting for her.
Luckily she did answer.

"Hey girl you're in the parking garage or in front of the building?" "Parking got in AirPods?" "Yes" "oh okay what's going on? The neighbor?" "Yupp" YN lifted her phone as she continued to walk down the hall to the elevator and he was still standing at her door.

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