Consider it handled

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Pleaseeeee enjoy this chapter yall ... I worked so hard on it 😘💕

It was time for the play offs meaning Jayson was focused

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It was time for the play offs meaning Jayson was focused. 100% of his attention was on getting to and winning the championship. They were two weeks out so YN started to prepare herself already he would be traveling working day and night and he would be tired.

She began thinking of ways to maximize her time with Jayson and she came up with a clever idea because she honestly couldn't stand the thought of several weeks with him just being on the phone ... every other day. So when he called her that night she was extra happy and he could tell. She had him on FaceTime on her MacBook.
"What you want baby?" He smiled in the camera "why I gotta want something?" "You don't have to but I know you do" she rolled her eyes "well I been thinking ...." She bits her lips "mhm bout what?" "playoffs are coming up and I know all your attention is going there it's the first time we're going through this as a couple um so I was wondering how you felt about me getting a hotel up there until the championship is over.... So that if you do have just a little time between games and Deuce you could see me without flying out because you'll be doing enough traveling during the games..." he remains quiet which made her nervous

"so that's a no ... okay" she answers for him "ima have tunnel vision so I don't want you to feel so damn secluded in a hotel room just waiting on me whenever I'm free ... I like the fact that you would sacrifice and do that but I don't want you to actually do that" "— but it's probably the only way we'll see each other. Have you thought about it?" "No I haven't I was trying to ignore it" she pouts

"well that's not helping us Jay" "okay we'll get you a nice hotel up here until the championship... have you worked it out with your job?" "Yes all of that's handled I'll only have to fly out like twice for some meetings"  "let's just find you a nice loft... for when you're here" "I mean I was springing for the hotel bae idk about paying rent and my mortgage" "it's crazy you thought you were gonna pay for that hotel. You doing something for me why would you have to pay?" "That's a lot of money to ask of you Jayson" he shakes his head

"I'm glad you don't look at me and see dollar signs but baby I'm good what I look like having you in the red when I'm good? I'll have realtor in mind I'll give her your number and you can come look at stuff since you were coming Friday anyway" "you asking me?" "Nah not really you can keep the loft after the championship" "okay baby" "mhm thank you for thinking about me and my time"

"I was being selfish too ... I miss you when it's only been a week or two I can't imagine six weeks so thank you" " as focused as I be ... I'll be needing you so I'm glad you thought of this too" "you'll come look with me? Or you want me to just get something?" "It needs to be close to me or that defeats the purpose .... And after that I don't care" "so you're coming?" "Mhm I'm coming" she smiles

"well ... I'll see you tomorrow" "don't rush me off the phone ... what you doing?" "Nothing daddy don't get aggressive with me" she laughs "I got something new at my place ... that you might enjoy" "like what" "like something you're gonna use" he smiled "you'll use it to?" "on you " "you just wanna tease me" he laughed "what you trying to rush off the phone for?" "Nobody is rushing off the phone crazy" she smiles  "I'm not being crazy... I know you"

From Mistress to Mrs. *Lamelo Ball & Jayson Tatum*Where stories live. Discover now