Mind your business

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**** thanks for all the well wishes I'm doing great now so here you guys go🤍🤍🤍 enjoy

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**** thanks for all the well wishes I'm doing great now so here you guys go🤍🤍🤍 enjoy

YN had told Jayson the conversation she had with YFB from top to bottom. She continued talking even though she knew he was annoyed. He wasn't annoyed at her really just the company she was keeping he needed to let her know it was time for her to level up and sometimes that means you can't bring all your friends with you to the top. He let her talk until he couldn't take it anymore.  "Mind your business" after her five minute rant she expected him to say more. But that's all he had to say.

"It's hard to when—-" Jayson cut her off "YN listen to me when I'm talking to you" she pouts but he remains firm with her "yes?" "Mind your damn business... that's all I have to say" "Jay—" "YN these are adults! They got into trouble by themselves so let them figure it tf out" "are you gonna let me talk?" "Go head" "if I didn't ever introduce them then this wouldn't be happening right now I feel responsible" "you introduced me to Leslie but I didn't fuck her... YFB made a grown woman decision to have a threesome. Sometimes it's not just a good time it's a consequences to these things. You open your bedroom up to more people shit gets murky. YFB wasn't thinking about you when she didn't tell you she was fuckin your co worker... this isn't for you to save. I'm tired of us arguing about other people situations that have shit to do with us" "oh we're arguing?" "I'm just saying baby" she rolled her eyes "I understand what you are saying and once again you're right" she smirked

"but?" "Nothing you're right daddy" "but you're still not gonna listen?" "No im not I already told her I would help I'm not going back on my word" "ugh at the very least have a conversation with both of them you need to establish boundaries with your friends. The moment you do that you'll see who you're real friends are" "okay I'll do that" she smiled up at him nodding her head.

"You maaaaad annoying" "you don't want me to share with you?" "Of course I do but get this shit wrapped up fast.... As a matter of fact text both of them and set up a time for yall to talk seriously" "right now?" "Yeah right now" "Jayson you're being so...." "Now is not the time for you to be getting wet I'm so damn serious" she laughed "mmm okay" she grabbed her phone texting them both. She would meet Leslie on the rooftop of her building and then a couple hours later she invite YFB over to her house for lunch. "Be stern make your boundaries because you're getting hurt in  all this too baby be straightforward" "yes sir" she smiled doing a small salute

okay YN was being silly but she definitely was listening to Jayson because he was right. And she never really thought about it by why tf did YFB sleep with her co worker!?! And then neglected to tell her about it. YN kept her business life professional so the fact that her professional and personal life was bleeding into eachother upset her. She never wanted to seem like she was judgmental but something got to give.

Leslie walked in smiling ear to ear. After saying hi Leslie began speaking
"It's beautiful out here How was Italy girl I haven't seen you since you've been back" YN forced a smile "it was great but I wanted to have a serious conversation with you" "oh shit about what" "everything" "something wrong with work?" "Kind of look it's been a lot of things that you are doing that's changing how I'm looking at you. The thing with Grant and some of your actions are causing me to worry. I feel like maybe you cant handle us being friends outside of work in Boston. So maybe we should just keep this relationship professional. And if you can't handle that then I can try and get you transferred somewhere else or let you be someone else's assistant"

From Mistress to Mrs. *Lamelo Ball & Jayson Tatum*Where stories live. Discover now