Thats my type...// Standing on Business

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Yall.... It took a lot for this chapter... but I'm excited to give it to you guys

The stresses of moving had her wishing she would've just stayed with Jayson and while all that was goin on she was still working and trying to support him emotionally

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The stresses of moving had her wishing she would've just stayed with Jayson and while all that was goin on she was still working and trying to support him emotionally. She could tell he wasn't use to being without her for that long because every time he came home he was being a big baby she loved it but she had work to do.

Today was Wednesday and she was up to her eyes in paperwork so when Jayson came home early to see her it messed her plans up.

She was working downstairs while cooking it was supposed to be a big surprise. She was gonna see him when she wasn't stress they were gonna eat and chill talk about their day but it was three o clock when she heard the door slam shut.

"Bae?" "In the kitchennnn" she sang as she continued typing her notes for the case. "You cooking for me?" "Mhm dinner" he finally appears and she smiles he walks over to her kissing her forehead and then her lips. "Can you take a break?" "Not really baby I just got in a good rhythm what's up do you need me?" "Mhm you gotta put some pants on I'm about to head out and get Deuce" she gasped

"I forgot he was coming today baby I'm sorry" "it's okay I'll grab you some pants if it's easier for you" "yes please" he walks into his room and comes back with some sweats she stands up sliding them on. "He's here for the rest of the week right?" " until Friday morning.... And you know playoffs are officially starting Monday so I'll be flying out" she pouts "yes are you excited?" "Hell yeah I'm excited this what I was born for" she smiled

"soooo does Duece eat chicken Fajitas? Cause that's what I'm cooking..." "it smells good baby he'll eat it" "don't force him to if he won't like it Jayson" "bae I don't force him to eat anything... he'll eat them I promise" "okay ... you might wanna run to the store and get him some juice or soda or something because I've been strictly on water" "I thought he still had some juice in here?" He walks over to the refrigerator looking in "no and you know why" he smirked "ima tell him you drank it" she rolled her eyes

"you know I didn't" she laughed "so? That's what ima say" she smiled shaking her head "ight baby I gotta go ... keep them pants on" he kissed her forehead again and then her lips. "I love you drive safe" she says as he grabs his keys "I love you too I will" she bits her lip. "None of that tonight" "mhm I know daddy" he smirked "none of that either" "I'll try my best sir" he smiled "let me go get my son stop playing with me" "I'm not playing I'm dead serious but yes go head bae"
They sat around the dinner table talking casually and enjoying the food YN had made.

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From Mistress to Mrs. *Lamelo Ball & Jayson Tatum*Where stories live. Discover now