Counseling session number 4,008 *Flashback

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***Flashback to right after YN told Jayson Melo was in love with her****
~~ also the number in the tittle is an exaggeration 😂😂 enjoy please  and excuse any typos

***Flashback to right after YN told Jayson Melo was in love with her****  ~~ also the number in the tittle is an exaggeration 😂😂 enjoy please  and excuse any typos

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They were about two minutes into therapy session after a little small talk their therapist opened the floor with the one thing YN wanted to talk about ... Melo.

"YN and Jayson it's been a while since you've been in person .... Give me a quick update on why you guys decided to come into the office"

"Melo says he's in love with me.... And wants to be with me he did say he's okay with just being friends though" Jayson laughs " and this is why I told her ima handle this.... She doesn't realize how crazy she sounds " Jayson says to the Therapist "what does that mean Jayson?" YN asks

"You keep asking that but it's exactly what it sound like... ima handle it" "I was hoping you would explain since we're here I don't want you fighting anybody over me.... It's dumb " she says softly  "Jayson can you tell YN your feelings right now?" "Stay away from that nigga and don't tell me you can't cause ima be pissed off.... It's no more discussion I gave you the benefit of the doubt because I fucked up but I've more than made up for that.... It's me and you that don't include him at all at this point "

"I literally already told you I told him we couldn't be friends until he got himself together" "YN you still gave him a "until" you left the window cracked for the nigga to slide right back in... what do you not understand? You're never talking to him again" Jaysons voice was calm but she knew he meant business. YN sighs heavily

"YN how does what Jayson said make you feel " " like I don't have a choice.." "you really don't" He laughed a little bit "it's dangerous to use those words Jayson it's unhealthy" their therapist says causing Jayson to Sigh he looks at his girlfriend.

"Look baby.... At some point you have to put our relationship first .... He's disrespectful not only to our relationship and me but you... if he wanted you he would've kept you when he had the chance ... it's too late what is it about this man that has you to the point where you're willing to say fuck me and our relationship" YN begins to cry Jayson immediately holds her .

"I'm not to that point at all I— just— I haven't had time to truly just let him go" "I feel like I've been extremely patient" "and you have been" "then what?.... " "I don't know" "are you in love with him" "no but I truly feel like we're friends .... Friend breakups are hard too" "that nigga wants you more than a friend .... So what am I supposed to do? Just let him have you? And wait until what? I can't continue to be disrespected.... No matter how much I love you" he stands up "can you sit down?" "No!" "You're right ...." Jayson glanced at her

"continue" "it's selfish and it's stupid .... Somebody who's used me as a item or a possession.... He still looks at me like that he probably doesn't even want me ... just wants to take me from you" "let me interject here ... is it the attention you like YN? Or do you like to feel wanted" the therapist looked deep in her eyes

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