Boston Baby 💚💚☘️☘️

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Guess who's back?! This chapter is over 109,000 words which is why it took me a month so I hope y'all enjoy xoxoxo

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Guess who's back?! This chapter is over 109,000 words which is why it took me a month so I hope y'all enjoy xoxoxo

It had only been a week and three days since YN left Jayson in Boston. Everyone knows by now that by the time week two comes she either flys to him or he flys to her. But no such luck this time they were both busy. Busy as they've ever been during their relationship.

She was preparing to move to Boston socially and professionally. She had to make sure all her ducks were in a row before she crossed into Celtics territory. The whole thing was exciting but she had to do it correctly. Jayson as usual was juggling his child and his career ... in that order. Playoffs were rapidly approaching so he had been in the gym daily a lot more. He used to workout twice a day regardless but now he was in the gym lifting weights doing cardio running plays shooting free throws and watching tape.

With Deuce it was easy because he enjoyed tagging along playing with his dads teammates and spending time with his dad watching him do something he loved. With YN it was harder they weren't in the same city yet and romance is harder to maintain.

You're child comes out the womb loving you and trusting you if that changes it's on the parent ... usually. With YN she was being as understanding as she possibly could ... but she missed him and the time he took with her. Lately it felt like every phone conversation was rushed or he was annoyed by outside things and he hadn't truly been focusing on... her.

You free? I wanted to call you while I have a little time

Seeing Jaysons text brighten her whole day. She smiled wide quickly texting him back saying he could call. About two minutes went by and he still hadn't called and then it was ten minutes after fifteen he texted back

Sorry something came up baby I'll call later tho I promise. I love you
Don't do that the last thing I have time for is your attitude
You don't have time for anything dealing with me!!
Okay YN you got it

She didn't respond. Once again he got her hopes up just for him to disappoint her. Soon enough her work day was officially over. She gathered her things and then headed out saying a quick bye to Leslie and any other co workers she came into contact with. She made it to her car and that's when it hit her she wanted to cry.

"Fuckkkkkkkk... shit no" she turned on a playlist quickly so she could hurry and get home and cry in the comfort of her own home. When she made it home she parked in the garage and turned off her car and immediately she lost it. She only missed him more because they were barely even talking and everytime they did talk they were arguing she just wanted his time and attention.

At 6:00 he called and she was still in the car she contemplated answering because she was still very much crying . It had been at least ten minutes of it so her cheeks were red and her eyes were puffy ... but she didn't wanna miss his call who knows when he'll call back so she answered. She wasn't expecting him to answer so aggressively without even saying hey initially.

From Mistress to Mrs. *Lamelo Ball & Jayson Tatum*Where stories live. Discover now