Getting my Lick back

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******2 days later****

She calls him and he answer pretty quickly "yooo?" He sounded confused it had been forever sense they actually spoke. "Um I'm outside your place can you come out? Don't feel force but could you?" "Yeah I'm on my way" he was very serious simply because he heard the sadness in her voice the way it wavered like she had been crying forever and the way her voice cracked he hated that she sounded like that the first time he had heard from her in so long. She was upset at herself for still being this sad she needed clarity from someone other than Jayson. Someone who she knew understood his side of this situation so who better than Melo....

Soon enough he was outside in his shorts that had his name spread across the front some slides and nothing else

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Soon enough he was outside in his shorts that had his name spread across the front some slides and nothing else. She noticed he had updated his tattoos they looked fresh. She unlocked the door "nah come out here" he says to her very sternly So she turns her car off getting out of her car walking around to him still sniffling he looked down in her eyes "so what's wrong?" And as soon as she tried to open her mouth to tell him she lost it completely. Crying he stood there and watched waiting for her to calm down and then he just pulled her close letting her cry into his chest.

He tried to remain hands off because he didn't know where her relationship with Jayson last time he saw them they were happier then ever. "I need you to calm down so you can tell me what's wrong YN try to calm down" she took deep breaths but couldn't get herself together however to kill the suspense she struggled to say the words Jayson cheated on me. Maybe it's because she hadn't said it out loud to any person that wasn't Jayson. That was the important part and through the tears and the heavy breathing Melo heard her.

"Are you fuckin serious?" She nodded her head "and it got you crying like this?" She pulled away due to his disappointment she heard all in his voice. He knew YN up and down backwards and forward but sometimes he truly forget how soft she could be when she opens up so seeing her cry like this over this nigga left him partially confused and partially disappointed cause YN was supposed to be a real nigga when it came to this relationship shit

"I just thought he was different and he cheated with his ex I feel like it's worse than just fucking some random he has feelings for her he loves her or it was to hurt me" "did he tell you that?" "Why else would he cheat with his ex?"Melo sighed because for once he was gonna give Jayson some grace "I hate that I'm even about to say this shit cause I don't wanna take up for him but maybe he was trying to get it out of his system if she was around and he felt that old vibe it's better he do it earlier if he was gonna do it y'all still pretty early.I would hate for you to be married for ten years going through something like this " She sniffles again. "But he had me stop talking to you cause he thought I would fold and then he goes and fucks her and he wasn't even gonna tell me he was just gonna be a dick about it" "yeah it be like that.... But do you want me to keep 100 wit you?" "Always"

From Mistress to Mrs. *Lamelo Ball & Jayson Tatum*Where stories live. Discover now