Its 10:10.... Where you been?

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They had finally made it to the point where Jayson didn't want her around anybody else . Everytime she was about to go out with friends he had something planned. She finally started getting frustrated. She planned a phone call so she was waiting for him to call and finally he did.

"Hey sexy how you doing?" She asked him smiling "I'm good I'm just tired bout to get in this ice bath" "I wanna do one with you next time" "that'll be fun can't wait to see you do that" "I'll be a thug" he slides into the water  "I bet but um what you wanted to talk about?" "I'm going out tonight with my friends" "oh okay I was hoping we could watch movies tonight" "bae this kinda what I needed to talk about I need some time with other people too ... okay? I still love you but" "you need some space?" he seemed sad she felt bad "I don't like how that sounds" "that's what you saying though?" "I like the texting and calling and finding movies to watch together but when I wanna step out I want your blessing to do it I don't wanna go out with my friends and then all I can think about is hurting your feelings " "ok I get that...just cause I like being in the house don't mean you should have to be glued to your bed when I'm not there ...I get it" "you promise?" " who you going out with? "a few of the girls" "going out to eat?" "yeah food and drinks..." "you know the restaurant?" "No why bae" "Im just'll be out late?" "possibly" He didn't like the way she was answering. She was being to vague and it pissed him off. "ight I'll hit you later" he hangs up "Uhhhhh no he didn't" yn stood there confused before she could call back her friend was calling.

Hiiii yn

hey boo

Im hype for tonight ...but what's wrong with you?

nothing just me and Jay...nothing

hmmm well fix that and ill see you later right?

yes I've been looking forward to this night

oh yeah so since we all gon be drinking can we just meet at your place and uber to the restaurant from your house

yeah y'all wanna spend the night too? just leave tomorrow so everyone is safe

My man will probably pick me up unless y'all want a sleep over

I don't care just um ask everyone else....either way its fine

okay well ima let you go so you can get hype cause you not hype right now

yn slightly laughs my bad by the time yall get here Ill be ready.... I promise

mhm see you soon

see ya

                      call ended

Do I call Jayson back? or just wait.... yn thinks that was so strange for him to do and this was entering into toxic territory. She decided to put her phone on dnd and take a shower blasting her music and letting her phone charge. Once she got out of the shower she grabbed her phone taking it off of do not disturb and reading the notifications 5 missed calls two from her mama three from Jayson and several text messages after calling her mama back she read the group chat messages first the girls are on their way...that was ten minutes ago so that leaves her twenty. That's the good thing about meeting at her place she didn't have to be ready. When she went to Jayson message she got teary eyed so she decided to call back he answered on the first ring.

"I love you and im sorry that was so fuckin stupid" yn tears began to fall "Jay you make me not wanna go out" "I want you to go out I like when you to have fun...I just enjoy it more when Im with you or I get to come pick you up...or Im in the bed waiting for you that's all." "so fly down me in my bedroom so when I get back...I'll have something to look forward too" "bae..I can't just fly down there in two hours" "yes you can You're Jayson Tatum you can do anything baby....get yourself down here to me...and I'll show you how grateful I am" "... I can't do that tonight Bae .... But please go out and have fun" "okay I will" "let me know what you wearing" "you just wanna see?" "Yeah talk me through it while I'm in this Ice bath" she smiled going to her closet to pull out options.

From Mistress to Mrs. *Lamelo Ball & Jayson Tatum*Where stories live. Discover now