Shut the fuck up🙄

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*thirty minutes later*

"She's asleep on your fuckin couch!" "Yes" YN says simply Jayson rolled his eyes so she continues to speak  "are we arguing?" YN kind of pouts she was understanding why he was mad but also she's sure he was thinking it was worse than what it really was but he hadn't asked.

"No but don't take this shit for granted we literally just got over this other shit.... Stop fuckin playing with me" YN hugs Jayson "daddy this was totally out of the blue but this isn't a Leslie situation I've known her since high school" "so when she taste you? ... better yet I don't give a fuck it won't happen again." "Baby I'll tell you everything" "I don't wanna hear it right now Fr tell me later" "give me kiss daddy.... I'm not taking you for granted or any of this. What she said was wrong and trust me I will tell her but she's drunk right now" he kissed her forehead and then her lips. "Check her ass before I do"


A few hours passed and YN wanted to show Mariah one of her favorite restaurants so Jayson got her a private room and everyone got dressed.

"You guys ready to go?" Jayson asked. He was trying his hardest to not be mean to Mariah because everything he had heard before this moment made her seem like a cool person he didn't want to judge her off the one sentence and he was trusting YN to check her.

"Yeah I am ... Mariah?" "Mhm I just have to run to the bathroom really quick" mariah says going to the bathroom "okay I'll just go get my car so you guys don't have to go to the parking deck just come out front" Jayson says leaning down to give YN a kiss. "Mmm thank you baby we'll be right down" Jayson walks out of the loft going to the car and shortly after Mariah comes over to YN. "You ready?" Mariah asks "no not really I um need to talk to you really quick" Mariah's face dropped she hated confrontation especially with her friends.

"Wussup?" "You were drunk I'm not holding it against you but you said something about me sexually implying  that we had sex and we know what happened between us many years ago we don't even want each  other so I need you not to do that ever again" "wtf did I say" "I can't even remember the exact thing but you know how I taste or something like that" "YN oh my—" "just don't do it again it's no point in holding a grudge because once again you did it already just don't let happen again. You my girl and I love you but nothing and nobody is going to make Jayson feel uncomfortable. And I want us to be able to hang out while you're with me but not if my man feels like he can't trust you or me" "totally understandable. And yeah you know I wouldn't have said that shit sober especially without him and I having a friendship first like I apologize fr" "just don't let it happen again... you ready?" "Yeah and I'm gonna apologize to him in the car" "thank you"
YN grabs her purse and they walk out of her loft she locks the door and they walk down the stairs to the lobby going to the front door where Jayson was waiting in the car. They got in the car putting on seatbelts.

"You know where you going bae?" YN asks Jayson "this my city of course I know where I'm going" "mhm sure baby" "why isn't my phone connecting to the Bluetooth?" YN asks as Jayson pulls off. "Idk why it's not. what you trying to do?" "Just play music" he unlocks his phone with his face handing it to her "just use mine" YN's eyes light up. Of course she trusted him but something about him just handing his phone over turned her on. But she tried to compose herself.

"Thank you baby..... Mariah what do you wanna hear?" "Um teddy swims hammer to the heart" "okay girl" "Jayson I wanna apologize for my inappropriate comment earlier... if I wasn't drunk then I wouldn't have said that. Me and YN are friends best friends I don't want her and she don't want me in that way so I yeah I just I'm sorry" "it's cool I'll sweep it under the rug we can start fresh" "cool thank you" YN starts playing the song. She glances at Jayson and for the first time in the past few hours he smiles. He grabs her thigh squeezing slightly.

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