Her pov

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*** this is like the middle of the chapter guys.

"Ughhhh" I struggled to breath as he continued to bring my center closer and closer to his mouth any noise that I could get out of my mouth just sounded like a whimper. I wanted more of him I needed more of him but my body pushed his head away. I wasn't in control... my body knew I had had enough but I also knew I needed more.

Luckily Jayson also knew I needed more so he held my hands and continued to lick me until I came again. I kept forgetting how to breath and what words to say he kissed up my body as I shook against him.

He kissed my lips three times and then sucked my tongue. I could feel him getting ready to slide inside me but he teases me.

"Jayson..." I tried to make my voice as stern as possible but he sees right through the bullshit. "If you want something say it" I had the sudden urge to roll my eyes he knows what I want yet he expected me to say it.
I whined hoping if I pout enough he'll give in. Looking up at his face it became unbelievably clear to me that I was gonna lose this fight.

"I want you... inside me please" I couldn't wait anymore because if I could I wouldn't have asked he kissed my forehead sliding only the tip in and out in and out. "Ugh Jayson ... all of you please please pleaseeee" it was so easy to beg for him because he knew every inch of my body as if he had studied it for years. His head disappeared between my thighs again.

"Can you handle it?" I nodded my head yes while watching him stick his tongue out and gently placed it on my clit. I took a deep breath watching him watching me. And then he was back in my face smirking

"Answer me?" I CAN HANDLE IT JAYSON JUST FUCK ME.... I could never say that . "Yes baby I can handle it please ... Jayson pleaseee" and suddenly I felt all of him inside of me. I silently thank God.

When he began to move his hips I could swear his tip pushed my heart further into my rib cage... I was filled to the brim .... In the best way possible.
No one I repeat no one has ever or could ever fill me up like Jayson

"... so deep" I say softly I try to move my hips to get use to him. He watches me kissing my lips. "Can I move?" I nod my head "yes please..." he engaged me in a rough kiss and I moan loudly.

"My beautiful angel" it's actually wild to me that even while he's mad at me ... he talked to me like that? Beautiful? I loved it. my legs shook he always knew if I needed to be an angel or a slut and I loved that because how tf did he know? He moved his hips like the expert he was my eyes closed because once again I was about to lose my mind.

"You know how wet you are ma?" If I listened closely I could actually hear the water my body produced for him... only for him. "Yes" my word was simple but he could tell it was loaded. He kissed me again slowly increasing his speed. I moaned loudly.... How was he so damn good?! I needed to know. Could it be as simple as being in love?

I'm so in love with him that the good sex has now become amazing. Could it be? I look into his eyes because I can tell that he knows I'm in my head about something... he hates when I do that. But truly my mind runs a mile per minute. And it always leads me right back to this spot.... I'm in a loving healthy relationship with Jayson Tatum and not once did I have to lie about who I was. And even if I did he knew I was lying.

I grab his face kissing him focusing my self back to what's important. I wonder what he was thinking about? Because I could tell I just fucked up did I have my serious face on While he was fucking me? Did he possibly know that I was thinking about everything else but being in the moment? It's no way in hell but he pulled out anyway. I let out a slight whine because he really did feel amazing. And I knew where this was going. He was gonna assume because I was upset I couldn't just be in this moment with him. Which was kinda true.... I couldn't be in the moment because he upset me yeah but I wanted to remember how much I loved him. It was easy to do when he was pleasing me.

From Mistress to Mrs. *Lamelo Ball & Jayson Tatum*Where stories live. Discover now