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"Geez, what's taking them so long?" Peril huffed while Silver just shrugged. "And Error's the one who's been rushing us." Sangria sweatdropped while Shroud rolled his eyelights. "Well to be fair, he is gonna try to convince Lord Nightmare himself.

And if not even Peril can convince Nightmare to take a damn break then how would Error?" Shroud mumbled and Crimson blinked. "I feel like you might be underestimating Error a tiny bit." Crimson sheepishly said. "Especially if he managed to convince literally every one of us to go."

"Still, I'd be surprise if he managed to convince that thick skulled Highness to take a rest-" "Speak of the devil." Peril interrupted Shroud with a huge grin when they see Error and Nightmare walking down the corridor

Peril swooning a bit at the sight of his highness looking so damn fancy despite it not being his usual get up. "Oh my God the madlad did it." Sangria whispered under his breath while Shroud was in genuine shock. Crimson just smiling widely in glee, Error managed to convince the Lord!

"I don't know how you did it Error, but good job!" Peril exclaimed while Silver just glanced at Error up and down. Seems like he had changed himself as well, as Error's now wearing a navy blue sweater with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows, black pants with has white trimmings on the side and on the edges, and was supported by a white belt with a black crescent in the middle. He had his old coat wrapped around his waist too.

He also wore a pair of black boots with yellow shoelaces, and his blue scarf was still around him, he was also wearing a black and white beret. "Woah looking fancy." Peril grinned excitedly.

"Thank you..." Error sheepishly spoke, rubbing the back of his skull. "You're getting better at this! I'm so proud!" Peril squealed as he then opened his arms. "Hey hey waIT-!" Error meeped, Peril quickly stopping. Oh right, Haphephobia. Rather not have another repeat of last time and cause Error to crash again. "Right- sorry... Anyways! You said you have a place that we can go to, right?" Peril grinned widely.

"Oh! Y-Yeah uhm... Hold on." Error murmured, looking at his phone again. He then scrolled through something before outstretching his hand. "Right... Uhm... This is actually in another AU... And it was my friend who suggested it." Error chirped lightly. "Which friend?" Peril couldn't help but ask and Error blinked. "It was Onyx." "I see." Peril then grinned, well, Onyx travels around the Multiverse still so if this AU they're going to was something entirely new, it would honestly gonna be refreshing.

"And you're sure it's safe?" Nightmare couldn't help but ask anyways, being a bit cautious. Hopefully the AU isn't already infected by the virus... "Uhuh, I've actually been there myself to check it out." Error hummed and Nightmare nodded. Well, if Error was sure about it, then he supposes it would be fine. He has trust in his court members after all.

"We should get going then, even if it's to relax, we shouldn't waste as much time." Sangria said softly and Error nodded. "Also, just curious but like- you do know how to male portals right? Since you have amnesia and all..." Shroud hesitantly asked and Error nodded. "I had to be able to portal if I wanted to get out of the area I woke up in." Error spoke before he snapped his fingers, a portal then suddenly glitching into place in front of them, now showing an alleyway, an unfamiliar one at that... For the court members that isn't Error anyways. Error then moved and stepped inside, glancing back at them. The court members glancing at each other and then back at Error besides Peril, who quickly entered with a 'Wee!'.

Nightmare just sighed softly at Peril before entering as well, Silver entering after his boss and looking around, a bit curious of the new surroundings, but didn't say anything, the rest then quickly entering. "So... Where do we go now?" Shroud murmured while Error then motioned for them to follow him, walking out of the alleyway and walking for a bit. Surprisingly enough, there was even some of those from both the moon and sun empire roaming here, but it was very few unlike those in other AUs.

"According to Onyx, this is actually a recent AU! It's centered around this one particular business and their food and drinks are amazing!" Error exclaimed, turning to the rest of the group and grinning. "Oh really?" Now Crimson was getting excited as well, if there's food involved then he just has to check it out, especially if Error liked it!

Nightmare sensed the happiness and couldn't help but smile a bit at that, if Error was genuinely excited about it, then he guesses it should really be worth his time.

"Here we are! Oh yeah, be warned but there's a lot of cats." Error spoke. "Wait what-" Shroud and Sangria spoke up, but they were quickly cut off when Error rushed inside what looks to be a cafe. Nightmare glanced up at the slogan and blinked. 'Fluffy Cat Cafe'. Oh, so that's what Error meant...

Nightmare then entered after Peril, who just excitedly ran inside after Error. The rest of the group following.

"Woah, there are a lot of cats." Sangria softly commented in awe, looking all around and Shroud nodded. Nightmare then glanced down at his feet when he felt rubbing, only to find a cat that oddly looks a bit like Peril, with the white fur and black oily tears trailing from the pitch black eyes, as well as the red target looking fur on the cat's chest. How peculiar.

"Awh look!" Crimson exclaimed excitedly when a cat also rubbed on his leg. "They don't look scared of me!" Crimson chirped, crouching down to pet one of the cats and giggling. Usually, some pets would run away from Crimson, so this already made him really happy. Nightmare just chuckled at that and nodded before glancing at Shroud, who had picked up a cat that oddly looks like the holder. With a gray head fur that looked like a hood and the same mismatching eyes.

"Hi, I'm here for the private reservation." Error chirped, smiling at the worker behind the desk, who then nodded while smiling. "I see. Right this way then." The worker behind the desk spoke, getting off his counter and leading the group to a more private area. "This is honestly so cool and adorable, don't you think Bossmare?" Peril grinned at Nightmare, who grumbled a bit at the disrespect but nodded anyways. "I must say, Error did a good job finding this place... It's quite peaceful." Nightmare said softly and Silver nodded in agreement.

"Here are the seats sirs, the menus are already on the table as well. Feel free to just call for me once you've all chosen your pick." He hummed happily, watching the Moon Court take their seats and get comfortable. Nightmare glanced at the menu, picking one up and waving a hand to let his court know that they can look now. "May I ask what your name is?" Nightmare asked the worker, who blinked a bit.

"Oh right, my name is Ccino! It's short for Cappuccino." The now named Ccino gave a small smile. "Thank you for choosing my cat cafe!"

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -





I'M (sorta) BACK BABY

Ngl I was seriously stumped on this one, I kept trying to write it only to delete it and then put it off for longer, then write it again and delete once more.

I've also gotten distracted and hella unmotivated with other stuff so my apologies for all of that :')


Oh, and also my art. Yes.

Dream also has another name as well, but y'all will find out another time huehuehue.

Also did you guys expected Ccino? XD

Anyways, Hope you guys liked it!


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