Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

New Dangers?




It was a normal day for MK, the usual. He delivered noodles, talked to Mei, Tang, Pigsy and it was just a very normal day. It seemed to nag at MK thought, it was his 2nd to last noodle delivery and he was heading away from the main city and near the outside of the city. MK had his sick jams blasting on his headphones when he had to stop as he saw something he thought was never possibly. It was a pink and purple mixed hole not too far from the ground but it was above some 20-30 ft. The people around were either screaming and running or taking pictures and staring in 'awe'.

MK stopped his little noodle car as he parked it and stepped out. The air around was swirling fast but not fast enough to actually pick something up and hurt someone, so MK did the best next thing. He took out his golden staff from his left ear and he spinned it letting it be held by his left hand. The people around ignored him and kept taking pictures of the swirling hole. Nothing seemed to come out for awhile and MK was going to put his staff away but the next thing he caught was just even more shoking.

A yell and a loud thump. MK quickly looked at the figure, they had dark and bright green gear there hair seemed messy as the color was a light blonde. That's all MK saw before more people fell out of the hole and they looked like the green one but they had different colors, white, blue, black, red, and lastly black and grey with blue. The green one was helping the other ones stand up, as they dusted themselves they looked at there surroundings shocked and just mesmerized. MK held his staff tightly and he walked foward, "Who are you and are you demon's!" MK yelled out as the ninja looked at him and got into a fighting stance. MK's eyes furrowed as his grip tightend around his staff.

"We are ninja! From Ninjago, and I don't think we are demon's...?" Lloyd spoke and he kept his eyes on the staff. MK was about to say something when the one with the white clothes spoke, "We are not here to fight! We do not know were we are." MK looked at him and know that he was standing up he saw how- Grey he looked. "Are you- a robot!!" MK said and his tone was filled with excitement and wonder. The other ninja looked confused and they looked at Zane. "Wait look!" Jay said as he pointed to the pink and purple swirling hole as it diminished into nothing but simple little sparks. "I think we may have a bigger problem than this kid Lloyd," Kai spoke and he got a somewhat angry look from MK.

"Wait- you're not here to take over the city?" MK asked and he spun his staff as it disappeared into golden dust. The ninjas attention were caught by the sparkles, "Were not here for anything..that portal was the only way back to our home." Lloyd said and he looked back at the black haired kid.

"If your not here to rule the city then..I don't see anything wrong with taking you in until we find a way for you to get back home?" MK said and he gave a small smile to them. Lloyd only frowned and he stood up straight, "Alright..but if you dare hurt us we have weapons." Lloyd said and the other ninja followed his actions as they all walked to the little noodle cart. They all had to fit somehow and Jay, Zane, and Kai sat in the back as Lloyd and Cole sat in the front not too close from MK.

The whole ride was awkward. MK left the rest of the noodles and he kept taking glances at the strangers in his car, they didn't seem dangerous. Just skeptical like him that's all.

When MK got back to Pigsy's noodle shop he told the random people to follow close behind him and to not speak until he introduces them to Pigsy and Tang(maybe Mei too)
MK walked into the shop and instantly saw Tang and Mei. Tang doing the usual and eating noodles, as Mei was on her phone doing something before she looked up to MK. Her smile bright but when she took a glance to the people behind MK it faded slightly as her face turned to confusion. "MK? Who are these people??" Mei asked and Tang looked up from his noodles and his face also turned to confusion. "Well um- I don't think pink and purple portals are weird around here..right?" Tang's mouth fell open and Mei's eyes went wide. Her smile promptly came as quick as it faded, "So your telling me- these people might be from another place!!" Mei said and her eyes were littered with starts as MK nodded.

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