Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ninja spies




Lloyd, Zane and Nya were the first ones up and were getting ready to have a day full of spying..spying on MK. "Alright, we leave once the kid also leaves." Nya and Zane both nodded and they stayed silent. Nothing was heard for awhile before an alarm clock(or what seemed to be one) went off in the room beside them. Lloyd got up and slowly walked over to the door, avoiding all the floorboards that creaked. "Come ready to leave when he does. Zane check were he is now," Lloyd said and he leaned his head on the door pressing his ear on the cold wood as he tried to listen in. Nothing else was heard but soft footsteps on the floor, "He seems to be in the kitchen now. Making food for himself," Zane said in a lower voice and he closed his eyes as he deactivated the heat sensors.

"Alright.. I don't hear him anymore. Come on," Lloyd opened the door softly as he tried his best to avoid the creaks. Nya and Zane walked out the room carefully and Lloyd closed the door not wanting to wake up the others. "He's below us. In the noodle shop," Zane said as he looked up from the ground. "Okay, remember the plan? Stay on rooftops and come back every time he does." Nya and Zane nodded and they made there way out from the front door.

The city was loud, just like Ninjago. It didn't seem too different. Lloyd was on the rooftop of the apartment they came out of, both Nya and Zane were on different rooftops around two to threw buildings away. Keeping an eye on the road.

The three ninja stayed still and silent until Nya spoke through there coms. "I have eyes on him. Heading to you Zane!" Nya cut out and Lloyd was running towards were Zane was located. "I see him, he's heading away from me and the city! Looks like the suburbs." Zane said and his coms cut out with a beep. Lloyd was following Zane as he had layed eyes on him. Both of them running towards were MK was heading.

After awhile Nya had caught up to them and she was breathing in deeply as she steadied her breathing, "Wait. Don't do anything from here...he's getting off." Lloyd said and he hid behind some big containers as they watched MK walk onto a boat. "Sandy! I got some noodles for you, special from Pigsy himself!!" MK yelled out and he seemed to smile when a big blue buff man walked out from somewhere? "Wait..." Lloyd said as he saw Nya who was about to move out from the spot. "Keep watching. It's just a friend," Zane said this time and he watched. Quite intrigued.

"Now these may not be the way you want them but I also got you some of the tea you like! I also wanted to ask if I could come and hand out later," MK asked Sandy, "You can bring Mei too if you want. She really likes my therapy cats alot," MK smiled and nodded as he made his way back to the noodle car. "I'll be heading back before Pigsy starts to yell at me for being late, bye Sandy!!" MK got in his noodle car and headed off away from the boat and back into the city.

Lloyd nodded, Zane and Nya jumped back up the containers as they headed back on the main mission. To follow MK around the city, Llody stayed put as he watched the big muscular man open the box of noodles. "Look Mo we got some noodles from Pigsy and MK but-.. hey Mo?" Sandy asked the cat and Mo perked up from the floor with a meow. Sandy wispered something to the cat and Lloyd narrowed his eyes as he tried to read his lips. He got nothing but the word, 'Spy'
Lloyd thought for a mere second and he realised what he meant. Spy..he's being a spy- "Oh no-" Lloyd looked behind him and he could see multiple eyes glowing in the darkness behind him.

Slim yellow eyes. Lloyd swallowed and he laughed nervously. "I'm totally screwed." Lloyd said and he yelled when the what seemed to be cats launched at him knocking him off his feet and on his back. He could hear footsteps but the growls and yells from the cats were louder, he felt something claw at his arm and he yelled. Lloyd closed his eyes as he let off a burst of his green energy, all the cats that were once on top of him were scattered around him. They growled and yelled at him. "Wow- kid are you okay?" It seemed to be the guy Sandy that spoke. "I'm sorry..I didn't mean for them to hurt you," Lloyd let himself lay on the floor as he breathed unevenly. "Here let me help you-" Lloyd let a ball of green energy grow in his hand and he pointed it at were the voice was. "Let me help myself up. God-.." Lloyd got up and he looked down at his arm, it was a deep wound. But it won't do much damage than just some small scar. "I thought you were some demon bull clone." Lloyd looked up to the man named Sandy and he made a face of confusion. "A..demon bull clone??" Sandy nodded. "There part of the demon bull army," Lloyd took this to mind as he looked at the muscular guy. This time his eyes took in how big this dude actually was.

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