Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Morro The Ghostly Human




"Ahh!!" A loud thud was heard as a see through humanoid hit the ground.

"This is the one called Morro?" The Quiet One asked someone beside her. They nodded and she looked back down. The portal that had brought Morro from the cursed realm disappeared before anything else could go through.

Morro grunted as he lifted himself off the ground and onto his feet. He dusted himself off and found himself surrounded by darkness.

"And to me I never thought I would ever see a ghost." The Quiet One said as she walked up to Morro, "And who the hell are you supposed to be!?" Morro said as he took a step back. The wind inside the place picked up, "No need for powers. I'm no threat..I was the one who brought you here either way." The Quiet One said as she lifted the realm crystal up showing it off.

"And if you dare hurt me then I'll simply kick you back into that cursed realm of yours." Morro kept shut as he frowned. The wind around them stopped and The Quiet One smiled. "Now. The reason I brought you here is because I want to destroy every single essence of the Ninja. And I am giving you the power to bring back one thing you want..with this." The Quiet One lifted the crystal, her arm stretched out towards Morro. Nudging him to grab it.

And he did. He held it and inspected it, "I never..I never thought I would've had my hands on the realm crystal. Why are you doing this?" The Quiet One smiled as she turned around walking back to the throne. Morro held the realm crystal tightly as he watched her sit upon the throne.

"I just want to have Ninjago. I want to make sure the people who deserve it have it in there grasp." Morro felt a smile creep onto his face as he was starting to really like this woman. "And I want to make sure...that the people who defeated you. Are brought down." Morro looked down to the crystal and saw as it glowed ever so slightly.

"If I may ask. I can use the realm crystal to go..anywhere?" The Quiet One nodded. "I'll be back then..I'll be bringing back a magical being, he'll server quite well for you." Morro said and he closed his eyes as he lifted the crystal above him.

A portal opened and what looked like multiple towering buildings appeared. "I'll be seeing you soon...princess." Morro said and he was soon inside the portal. It disappeared as soon as he went inside.

"Well I might've just messed up everything with that...but he'll come. I just know he will." She said and she leaned against the throne. Her smile plastered on her face.

"Jesus were the hell did these people put his lamp.." Morro said as he looked down to the crystal.

He had found out that the crystal itself can find other worldly beings if you put enough attention to the worldly being. Of course it wasn't really working seeing as Morro was lossing his mind.

He was looking for an old friend.

A friend he had made in the cursed realm.

"There we go...says I'm. Nearby? I'm in the middle of the-" Morro looked up and saw the extremely tall Borg Tower. "It says its..right below me?" Morro looked down to the crystal as it pulsed. "I'll wait daytime out. It'll be easier at night." Morro looked around and he held his hood as he made sure it didn't fall off. He looked around for a 'camp' out space, a spot he can stay at till nighttime falls...

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