Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Plan A: Failure

Plan B?




"Okay so we're a block away from the noodle shop, we'll be leaving." Nya saw how Red Son's eyes furrowed, "You don't want to come and see the noodle shop?" Red Son saw how Nya shook her head.

"Well I'd like to see you another time." Red Son saw the noodle shop sign and started to walk fowards, the ninja slowed down. "Hey wait!" Red Son turned around and saw it was the one with white hair who had yelled out his name, Red Son stopped to a halt. "Yeah man?"

Zane walked up to Red Son and patted his back, "Hopefully we do meet again. Maybe on a better terms?" Red Son just nodded and stepped away from Zane's hand.

Once Red Son saw he was far from them he whispered, "I got you.." Red Son smirked, his sharp teeth showing.

Nya felt shivers run through her body as she let the breath she was holding, leave. "Do you think he might know?" Zane's face scrunched up.

"It's possible. But we disguised ourselves perfectly, there's no way he knows."

"There's no way he knows."

Red Son stopped at the door of the noodle shop, he cleared his throat.

His original plan was to scout out from the rooftops, and find a way inside. Seeing as he was able to see that this world's hero lived right above the place he worked at.


"Red boy?" Red Son looked to his right and saw a raven haired girl with green neon highlights in her hair. Red Son opened his mouth but was engulfed in a hug, he grunted, "Hey get off!" Red Son shoved the weird girl off.

He hadn't seen this girl in the memory of the demon. Who was she? "I thought you said you were going on a trip with your parents? Back so soon!" Red Son's eyesbrows knitted together as he held back a panicked face.

"Red Son?" Another voice from behind was heard and Red Son's ears twitched..

This voice. He had heard it when he watched the demon's memory, this one was familiar. He remembered seeing this one....and those wretched ninja.

"Yes it is I!" Red Son said, he had been practicing having the loud exotic voice he had watched over on loop.

The raven haired boy smiled, he knew well this one's name was MK. Or well the other one, noodle boy.

"Come on! I got a small break right now. Want to order something?" Red Son shook his head and followed both raven haired ones into the noodle shop, not long after they walked inside. A pig walked out of the kitchen with an apron on, once he spotted the red head his eyes just narrowed.

As if he were inspecting Red Son.

Red Son gave a glare and Pigsy's eyes furrowed more as his face turned into a frown.

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