Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Yin and Jin Help




"Get up." Morro said as he stood in front of Lloyd.
Lloyd was gasping for air and coughing, at some point the coughing got so bad blood seeped out. Yet Morro just stood there. Arms crossed.

"Lloyd get up." Lloyd took in a sharp breath as he forced his sore body to stand up even when his muscles burned and ached for a rest. Morro just smiled as he watched Lloyd slowly and lazily put his hands up, putting himself in a fighting stance. "Good..see all that and all you needed to do was stand up again."

Lloyd spit to the floor. Blood trailed down Lloyd's chin, the copper taste familiar to him.

"This is your new record kid. You've lasted more than the last time.." Lloyd gritted his teeth as he ran foward, a battle cry coming out as his fist aimed to hit the other.
Before his hand could make any contact. His arm was grabbed pulled behind him and he was pinned down onto the floor.
"Ah! No- stop!" Lloyd tried to move but the pressure on his back became more and he yelped as he felt his back crack.

The pain hurt..

Yeah sure it did. Of course it did but he wasn't going to just give up here....not when he had some fighting chance.

"Now. You run at me one more time and I'll simply snap that little neck of yours." Lloyd went still. His breath caught in his throat as he could hear the sinister chuckle come from above him.
"Y-you wont." Lloyd whispered out, his lungs were starting to be crushed.

Morro just smiled.

"You think I won't?" Morro pulled on Lloyd's arm earning a painfull yell from the one below.

"You don't even know how many people I've killed Lloyd. Would you want to be one of them, would you want to join them?" Lloyd tried his best to swallow down the lump in his throat but he bit his tounge as he almost choked.

Lloyd tried his best to shake his head.

Morro just sighed in a sad manner, getting off of Lloyd's back.
Lloyd breathed in slowly as he felt his arms hurt more now, "I've got an hour to spare without needing you. Savor it." Morro walked over to the door his hand on the doorknob.
But It didn't turn, instead Morro spoke.

"Your friends won't save you. So quit telling yourself that or you might as well kill yourself while you're here."

Lloyd taken aback at the words almost yelled out something..
Before fear froze him and he stayed put in his place.

Morro just chuckled to himself as he left the door, the light that hung in the middle of the room swayed softly.

"So your seem quite roughed up." Lloyd looked up and to his suprise he saw two demon's, an orange and a blue demon. Horns on there heads as there eyes were a bloody red. Lloyd's eyes went wide as he scrambled to his feet, his fighting stance was sloopy. "Oh look- the humans that bad?" The orange one asked. The blue one smacked the other one on their head before speaking, "If a mortal losses too much blood they'll die. Come on, let's help it." Lloyd felt dumbfounded, where they here to hurt or help?

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