Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

See You On the Other Side
Pt 1




Morro covered his ears with his hands, he was starting to become annoyed with the constant noise happening all around him, the only thing worse than that was those dammed roars that Monster kept screeching out, at what he would bet would be the top of its damned lungs.

It was beyond annoying and no one was doing shit about it.

A barely audible knock sounded on Morro's door. He sighed and went and opened the door, "Come." Morro wanted to bang his head against the door but he couldn't, because if he did then he'd be looked at weirdly, and he wouldn't be able to feel anything. He's a ghost.

Plus it was Harumi who had talked to him, and he wasn't about to embarrass himself.

Harumi walked ahead, hands behind her back as she walked high. Morro on the other hand had his arms crossed as he followed her, he knew where they were headed when he glanced up and saw the hall C sign hanging.
He was being taken to the source of their upcoming victory, even when he barely left the Monster not even an hour ago after leaving his watch shift.
They stopped when the two of them were met with the entrance of the cave-like cell. The one holding that thing. Harumi breathed in and walked forward, Morro knew she had one of her 'I'm-going-to-win-and-nobody-can- beat-me' smiles on. She was just like that, when she saw a glimpse of victory she took it no matter what.

"Remember those vials I showed you yesterday?" She said as she glanced behind her, Morro nodded. Harumi looked forward and there was an ear-piercing roar. Pain wasn't something Morro very much felt anymore but that roar made his ears ring with slight pain, "This is the result." He knew what he was going to see, knew damn well he had been the one to jumpstart this reaction.

But she didn't need to know that.
Nobody but himself needed to know that.

Harumi turned her back towards the growling green dragon behind her, she spread her arms and gave a wicked smile. She was presenting that Monster— as if it was a prize. Morro wasn't one to like such things either, that felt beyond wrong.
Even if he'd called the other a prize once himself not even a week ago. The sudden change of 'heart' made him feel dizzy.

"Is that- Lloyd?" Morro asked, making sure his voice was laced with shock. Harumi chuckled and nodded, her eyes closing with how big her smile was.
"I expected my vials to make him into something smaller...uh more manageable. But this is just as good if not way better!"

"Now we can get rid of those pesky ninjas without needing to worry about them stopping us. Stopping me, again."

Morro felt that sickening disgust settle down in his stomach, it wasn't pleasant, to say the least.

The dragon roared, Harumi sighed and flung her wrist, a syringe with dark purple liquid lying in her right hand. The dragon growled, but it became louder as Harumi stepped towards the Monster, "Just one small pinch. Nothing big." She whispered but that didn't stop the growing growling. Morro stepped back, he knew he couldn't be hurt but it was an unconscious thing he caught himself doing.
Harumi was at the ledge where the cage met Harumi's head. The cage was hanging high in the air and no one could touch it even if you were to tiptoe.

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