Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Escapism is futile




Lloyd closed his eyes as he exhaled slowly. He was practicing putting a hand or anything on his forehead, were the green scales were, he had noticed they were chipping away into this shed skin and even darker scaled took the place of the light ones.

It was weird at first but Lloyd got some comfort in the cats, they wandered all around him in curiosity.

Many of them touched and rubbed against his legs and arms when they had the chance.

"Let me check your back again." Macaque spoke up. Lloyd turned around and took off his shirt, Macaque saw the once light green scales had darkened. And an uncomfortable looking bump seemed to now take place behind the back shoulder blades, the scales and bumps looked really uncomfortable.

"Does you back hurt?" Lloyd moved his arms, trying to see if his back hurt in any way he hadn't taken notice of.

"Not really, it's just really itchy." Macaque swallowed down the lump that clogged his throat. He's told the kid it looks absolutely disgusting in so many horrible ways, but Lloyd always ends up telling him to be quiet or don't say anything.

So Macaque is currently forcing puke down as he couldn't rip his eyes off of Lloyd's back, "Just put the shirt back on- please!" Lloyd put his shirt back on and winced when the soft fabric rubbed against his scales.

"When can I leave?" And Sandy walked in, "Is their something you need to do Kid?" Lloyd's head turned around quickly, Macaque had his arms crossed now.
The once disgusting feeling left as he watched the blonde's facial features, they scrunched up in anger before turning into a more complex feeling.

"I-" Lloyd placed a hand on his face as he groaned, "You can go inside if you want?" Sandy moved away from the door.

Lloyd peeked through cracked fingers, his green eyes shot to the open door, "Thanks." Lloyd hurried over to the door, stepping into the boat home and closing the door behind him as soft as possible.

Macaque sighed. His tail flicked behind him in both annoyance and worry. Sandy took notice, "Mr.Macaque?" Macaque looked up at Sandy. "Hm?"
Sandy bent over ever so slightly to get a better look of Macaque's face. "Something troubles you. What's that something?"

Macaque didn't answer.

Because he didn't know the answer to that question he's been asking himself for so long.

"What troubles me..?" Macaque repeated. The question seemed to echo in his mind, it made his ears twitched annoyingly.

"I need to meditate. Excuse me." Macaque left Sandy's presence walking into the boat house just how Lloyd had.

Sandy sighed, he could feel the complexity of Macaque's mind, it circled Macaque's whole presence itself.
It was hard not ask if Macaque was alright, because he always knew the answer. Yet Macaque didn't answer him this time..

What was troubling you?

Kai groaned, blood seeped from his nose with the open wounds he had scattered all around his body.. his muscles have become numb and sore with how much he's been straining them.

"Aw come on, done already?" Kai's head was lifted by a handful of hair being pulled from his head, he huffed trying to pull away from the head but the hand on his hair gripped harshly, making him whimper in pain.
Morro chuckled, it distorted and echoed all around Kai. "Do you want to see the light of day today?" Kai's eyes shot open- well as open as he could get them to.

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