Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The Great Sage's story




Lloyd woke up to the small light from outside. It was morning and the rest of the Ninja were in the room either inside there own sleeping bags or on the bed cuddled up with a still sleeping Jay. Lloyd got out his sleeping bag and he stretched immediately regretting it as his legs almost gave out below him. "Are they really still asleep- it's 9 in the morning!?" Lloyd said quietly as he looked at the clock that was placed on a bed stand. The time marked '9:23AM'
He made his way out the room and opened the door slowly trying his best to avoid any creaking. Lloyd stepped out and look around the apartment seeing that nothing was moved or bothered and MK most likely at work already. Must be a Sunday? "Watching me again?" Lloyd said and he sat on the sofa. He stared right at were he knew the powerful being stood.. "Your quite good- for a kid?" The monkey spoke and the familiar golden and orange dust filled the air and left as quick as it came.

A golden furred monkey stood beside the TV as he had a devious smile on his face. "And you seem quite childish for a very old monkey," Wukong made a offended face and he sat on the red bean bag that was near the TV. "How old even are you? I can tell your old. Your energy is strong but somewhat weak," Lloyd said and he saw as the monkey himself seemed to ponder on that question. "Well-..DBK was sealed for a few centuries...I was a young adult? Most likely. Um," Wukong wispered to himself and he sighed, "Probably around 5,100? And counting. I lost track centuries ago." Lloyd went wide eyed when he heard how old the monkey could be.

"Y- w- what?! That's like soo old. Our master is no were near that!" Lloyd said in a voice that made the monkey feel bold but offended at the same time. "Yeahh, I guess I am little old kid, but I've seen alot in my years too." Lloyd stopped rambling to himself as he perked up to that. He really was still a child inside, "Can you tell me some?"

Wukong smiled and chuckled as he realised he had made the ki- teen quite interested. "Alright but you'll have to tell me something about you. You and your friends seem interesting to be ninjas," Lloyd nodded and he felt so giddy when Wukong started talking about how he came out of a rock and how the monkeys around the rock took care of him and nursed him until he could wonder off himself and be safe. It was fun and it felt like a short time to both the monkey and Lloyd but it was nearing '12' a clock and shuffling came from were Lloyd's friends were sleeping at..

"Well..I'll see you another time. I'll finish the story of how I defeated a powerful demon when we see each other again, alright?" Lloyd nodded and he stood up, he walked over to Wukong and gave his hand. "You seem quite nice, names Lloyd." Wukong smiled and he shook the mortals hand. "Sun Wukong, Wukong for short." They both nodded and Wukong was gone in a puff of golden and orange smoke once more.

The door to were the other ninja were held opened and showed how tired they all were. "Lloyd what time did you wake up now?" Nya asked as she yawned and rubbed her eyes. Zane althought was wide awake(he's a robot he don't need that much sleep) "Well to be exact around '9:23' you were all sound asleep. So I left you to sleep," Lloyd sat back down on the couch and he watched as his friends took there own seats around the living room. "Were you talking to someone?" Kai asked and he fixed his hair. "No. Why do you ask?" Kai shrugged and walked off into the kitchen.

"What-?" Lloyd choked out behind nervousness. "Lloyd what is going on." Cole was the one to speak, he was holding Jay from falling asleep again. "What do you mean 'what is going on'?" Kai and Nya both gave Lloyd a stare that only settled more uneasiness. "Aw come on- It's nothing I swear," Lloyd said and he rubbed the back of his neck. "See when you rubbed the back of your neck last time you had broken a coffee mug," Nya said and she a face of annoyance and amusement. "It was an accident- plus if I told you, you would've killed me because it was your favorite mug!" Lloyd shot back and Nya snickered when she saw the face of anger on Kai. "Well Lloyd they are right. Yesterday night.. you were talking to someone, my scanners don't work in this dimension but my hearing does. Who where you talking to."

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