Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Promises Aren't Meant
To Be Kept Kai..




"Well...after you left and it passed the two hour mark. He got a little worried..we didn't really tell you. But he put a tracker on Morro, it was suppose to monitor movement and audio. After he heard various things, he went into his own panic mode. So Jay sort of zapped him and now he's in the guest room, last time we tried to get in there it was below any freezing level. So I don't entirely suggest going in there."

Lloyd just nodded and glanced back to the frozen doorknob.

Zane having a meltdown of his own?

"He didn't let anyone in. Not even Cole?" Kai shook his head, "Cole was the one he wanted to see. But he said he was scared of hurting Cole, so he shut everyone out. And now he's locked himself in there."
Lloyd felt his face scrunched up in more worry as he looked back go Kai. "And how long has it been?"

Kai thought about it.

"Maybe an hour or two. I lost track when I left to find you." Lloyd just nodded. He walked away from the corner, he could feel multiple eyes landing on him but that didn't stop him.

He reached for the handle and he could practically feel the cold air the ice was giving off.
Lloyd sighed and touched the handle, it stung badly at first but not even seconds later it melted and water fell to the floor. Indicating that the ice was gone. Lloyd opened the door and was whiplashed with frosty air that made his whole body shiver on the spot.
Lloyd could see his robotic companion on the floor, his hand placed on the ground as the room stayed extremely cold.

Lloyd closed the door behind him, quickly lighting a flame in his hand as he felt his legs starting to freeze.

Freeze was a misunderstanding.

They were literally getting frozen in place with ice. Lloyd breathed in slowly, the cold air stung his lungs. He lowered himself, bending down to his legs as he put the flame from his hand closely to the ice covering his legs.
It melted and the water that hit the ground froze once more.

Lloyd lit up his other hand with a flame and sat a couple feet away from Zane before he spoke.

"Hey its me..Lloyd." His robotic friend blinked and looked around, before he looked to the floor.
Zane had a confused face before he realized and his hands shot away from the floor, the ice around Lloyd stopped freezing over itself and it went still.

Not having a mind of its own anymore.

"What did you hear. That made you like this?" Zane frowned and his mouth went into a straight line.
The fire in Lloyd's hands weakened as he found no reason to stop the ice from growing anymore, the fire was to keep him warm for now.

Zane seemed to ponder on the question longer than needed.

Before he answered..

"We're not safe. I know who brought Morro, and she didn't just bring Morro..she also has Nadakhan in her possession." Lloyd tilted his head a little, confused at the "she" parts.

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